Example sentences of "[adj] they [vb past] at " in BNC.

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1 My father was due four months ' leave and this they spent at Beachley , his attractive house near Chepstow at the mouth of the Severn .
2 This they did at an Intergovernmental Conference in 1837 when Hessen , defensive of its national sovereignty , suggested a parallel currency rather like the hard ecu .
3 This they did at Motherwell , and the Dalzell works began operations early in 1872 , employing 200 men .
4 Drivers Ronnie Peterson and Jacky Ickx were n't convinced by the car 's handling characteristics , so unconvinced they collided at the first corner .
5 It is important , therefore , not to exaggerate the long-term effects of Anglo-American differences relating to Palestine , however serious they appeared at the time .
6 The rise was a mere token , from 2 to 3 per cent , but people were so nervous they clutched at straws , assuring each other that now all would be well .
7 They were fed up with three-door cars , which ruled out one of three they considered at the time — the Vauxhall Nova , although this is now available in five-door .
8 These they unloaded at West African ports along with cloth , linen , glass beads and bronze manillas .
9 Well some of them came by road and RAF trucks , the fuselages , and then there were all they started at the top of the airfield in the old flying club pavilion , and then they were er stripped down and stuff was taken off them , checked out , for airworthiness to see whether it was ready to go back on the planes , and then they came down to the back of the top hanger which was then they were all down to the skeleton of the aircraft and they started rebuilding them again like , there were engine shops and the place at the bottom hanger where they used to make the Swallow side-cars was the spraying and where they completed the aircraft .
10 Fifty per cent of mothers returning to work part time do so in lower level jobs than those they left at childbirth .
11 They had laid waste the entire north of the country and in 449 they arrived at the university town of Stamford .
12 Lack of an alternative summer team sport protected cricket between the wars and it benefited from a brief post-1945 resurgence in numbers , but then numbers fell so dramatically that by 1965 they stood at about a third of the post-1945 years .
13 On May 3rd 1646 they arrived at the town by a devious route from Melton Mowbray , and entered the house through the postern gate in the old town wall , which was later rebuilt by William Stukeley .
14 In 1990 they stood at £16bn , completely dwarfing those of vegetarian products , however loosely defined .
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