Example sentences of "[adj] they [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 In support of this they indicate that there have been worries about the ability of the Monopolies Commission to maintain consistency across its investigations .
2 By this they mean that people both avoid intruding upon each other 's territory ( physical territory , a particular field of knowledge , a friendship ) and also seek to enlarge the territory of others — in Lakoff 's terms , make the other person feel good — presumably on the assumption that the same will be done to them .
3 try and get some information on this they felt that they were confident that at the end of the day that erm , approval would be given but erm I I I asked for it in writing and they said we would n't be getting that .
4 As a result of all this they realised that to complete the measurements on the range of electrodes and to see how they depend on the other experimental conditions would take nearly three years .
5 By this they meant that the economic disadvantage , conflict of cultures and high mobility of these areas resulted in a lack of opportunities for the satisfaction of conventional needs , and the relative absence , or weakness , of conventional controls .
6 From this they concluded that a rogue suitcase could have been ‘ sent to Pan Am 103 either before or after the unloading of Air Malta 180 ’ .
7 However , an influential group of central committee members made it clear they felt that Mrs Mandela 's behaviour was damaging the image of the organisation and the reputation of her husband , who appears to view her as ‘ a wayward child ’ .
8 They disliked British interference , but at the same time they appreciated that the British they appreciated that the British presence on Persian countered what would otherwise have been over whelming Russian influence .
9 It 's unfortunate that yet again the Mercury got it wrong they stated that we had made a decision to close four homes
10 2 They recognise that the system has tended to provide for " strong " government in that most post-war governments have been able to count on an absolute majority of seats in the House of Commons , but they regard this strength as a bad thing .
11 By a letter dated 23 October 1991 they stated that they did not intend to intervene or be heard and that , since the paragraph applied only to disclosure by the defendants in compliance with the order it would not prevent them from using any material which they had already obtained or which they might obtain independently .
12 Using data on Scottish school leavers in 1981/82 they find that only around one half had not experienced social mobility between birth and leaving school .
13 Now we 've got another opportunity system , erm but it 's too early they think that the the water is coming up in I think February is n't it another or was it the coastal but it 's with
14 In some instances they temporised : in May 1221 they conceded that ‘ the knights and free tenants of the forest of Berkshire ’ should elect ‘ two law-worthy and discreet knights ’ of their number to keep the forest , under the Chief Justice of the Forest , until Henry III came of age , when a final decision would be made about disafforestment .
15 I am sure they thought that if they just gave us a token punishment , then the whole thing would all be forgotten .
16 Above all they believe that that must be said of Christ which is to be said of no other human being .
17 Sergeant Davidson and his colleagues made a thorough search of Ballytreabhair Farm , but all they found that night was the sleeping form of Old Den snoring contentedly in his own bed .
18 Not at all , I thought you might , you remember you had a quick preview of that , a few months ago , and you 'll be pleased to know that the Chief Officers have now decided that the best way of dealing with it is for each , no first of all they decided that they 'll recommend two members for the signing of the charter , that 's the first step , it 's quite a step forward , remembering they .
19 First of all they say that if she thinks that they 're waxworks she should pay , and then they say that if she thinks that they are real , she should be talking to them .
20 The Whigs favoured the accession to the throne , on the queen 's death , of the Elector of Hanover , the later George I. They demanded that England should give effective support on the continent to the Dutch and the Emperor against Louis XIV during the War of the Spanish Succession ( 1702–13 ) .
21 Where a problem seems obviously more complex they suggest that the client makes an appointment with an adviser to come back at a time when the bureau is officially closed to the public .
22 The traditional view was challenged by Modigliani and Miller in 1958 They argued that the level of gearing used by the firm should not affect the cost of capital or alter the value of the firm as the risk borne by shareholders and debenture holders was dependent on how the firm used the capital not on how the firm raised the capital .
23 In May 1314 they maintained that they could be taxed only in their own assemblies ; when Edward tried to proceed through parliament he often found himself thwarted — as in January 1316 — by the inadequate attendance of the clergy .
24 As far as the form of labelling was concerned they believed that what was required was a simple declaration such as contains copies of X genes , in single ingredient foods and foods sold loose , they believe a declaration should form part of or accompanying the name under which food is offered for sale .
25 In Bullivant ( Roger ) Ltd v Ellis [ 1987 ] ICR 464 they held that it was not right to extend the term of the injunction beyond the period for which the advantage might reasonably be expected to continue .
26 My point is , I 'm being silly , facetious , my point is , the more you have contacts with people , the more they understand that you understand what the thing is all about and are likely to deliver the goods in a way that is useful , the easier it is .
27 When Lorne and our mother , Lydia , visited the Toraja in 1971 they found that the last great king , Lasso Rinding Puang Sangalla , had been dead for three years , and was still lying in state awaiting his final star-launch .
28 By that they mean that multiplying them together in either order would have to give the same result .
29 At first they assumed that he could find a place among the steep woods behind Camserney and be supplied by their good friends Donald and Aileen Gillies at the mill .
30 First they discovered that an atom-smashing war would have catastrophic effects — like planetary winter and the death of terrestrial cultivation .
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