Example sentences of "[adj] they [verb] [been] " in BNC.

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1 They did not recognize the British calendar , or , indeed , she was later to discover , their own : their first choice of conference date had been Boxing Day , but from this they had been dissuaded .
2 ‘ In this they have been greatly helped by grants received through the Urban Programme , especially under its social heading .
3 ‘ And very careful they 've been too about period detail , Dr Cameron . ’
4 Accordingly , in the present case it would have been , I think , impossible for the solicitors , however careful they had been , to make an assessment which accurately reflected the remuneration which would have been paid to them and to counsel after the matter had been considered under the arrangements provided by the legal aid board .
5 Australian Chardonnay has become so popular they have been suffering shortages , but there has always been loads of Semillon available .
6 I was afraid they 'd been carrying on . ’
7 Occasionally , it just looks as though someone 's not going to turn up because for one reason or another they 've been held up .
8 Trade union representatives saw themselves as being accountable either to their respective trade union or to the regional TUC ( the nominating body ) , although virtually no employers ' representatives saw themselves as being accountable to regional or national CBI and many were unaware they had been nominated by this body .
9 Every day more young people are infected with HIV — often completely unaware they have been personally at risk — and risky behaviour is on the increase again .
10 But now I think they do n't many so it 's not you know this up to sort of like thirteen they 've been taught constantly once to that age .
11 Because there was no advice whatsoever , very few saved and only later realized how foolish and extravagant they had been :
12 When we include fairy stories in our consideration of ‘ the short story ’ , we realise how central they have been to our childhood , adolescence and adulthood , too : how we have pored eagerly over them because we ourselves , like Snow White , have feared our mother 's envy ; because , like Little Briar Rose , we imagine the gap between the child and the woman to stretch over a hundred years ; because , like Cinderella , we long to be protected by the good mother from the bad mother .
13 It is only against this background that one can begin now to understand the behaviour of Hollywood and Broadway , of the star names who confessed so eagerly and abjectly to their previous sins and were meat and drink to the H.U.A.C. Like reformed alcoholics , they could not wait to let the world know how misguided they had been and who had led them astray .
14 As such they have been called the ‘ securities market line ’ .
15 There is some confusion there , I think , and er , I 'm glad they 've been retyped and issued .
16 Obviously , the ability to continue someone else 's work is very dependent on how disciplined they have been in identifying work to be done and returning successful work to LIFESPAN .
17 Arabella Buckley hissed out the words , but Sven Hjerson thought it very likely they had been carried by the sticky breeze as far as the couple in the prow .
18 Not even squatters camped in this place , so more likely they 'd been broken by locals scavenging for carpets or pipes .
19 Workers leaving the site tonight seemed reluctant to say anything , but it was obvious they 'd been told something … and it was n't good news .
20 It was obvious they had been talking about him .
21 It was quite obvious they had been ordered specially in advance .
22 The guys who had been up at Lockerbie , after Pan Am 103 , working alongside the British police , they did n't know how lucky they 'd been
23 How lucky they had been to have grandparents living at Thrush Green , thought Joan , looking back to those happy days with affection .
24 By and large they 've been replaced by computers now .
25 It will only be when you see the results of your actions that you realize how effective they have been .
26 In the 1970s they had been required to obtain land for future projects , and they could hardly have been expected ? sell at such severely-depressed prices .
27 Although sure they had been seen , he thought that their only chance of escape was to run to better cover .
28 After all they had been force-fed about the godliness of the Khomeini regime , here was Reagan as a ‘ man of God ’ ( North 's words ) who had gone away for a ‘ whole weekend ’ to pray about the Frankfurt meeting and had come up all by himself with an inscription for a Bible to be given to the Iranians .
29 That hurt , especially after all they had been through together .
30 Simon now lives at a nursing home in Hampshire … but after all they 've been through together , he 's spending time with his mum and dad .
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