Example sentences of "[adj] but it [be] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We are happy to do this but it is a struggle to meet our debt .
2 I am often asked for this but it is difficult to obtain .
3 There is truth in this but it is also likely that , in a period which Eliot considered to be one of cultural decay before the onset of " barbarism " , he was genuinely sceptical about the importance or permanence of his work .
4 I 'll admit I 'd like to have your confidence in this but it is n't an obstacle to our friendship .
5 We are not told this but it is easy to say that the plot opens up in the Deep American South between the two world wars , from the way the coloured people are treated , the fashions , and the descriptive backgrounds .
6 Some hairdressers charge extra for this but it 's well worth paying a few pounds for .
7 Erm there are various calculations for this but it 's it 's going to actually be at least one year 's average salary .
8 Perhaps children will enjoy this but it 's not too appealing for the slightly mature PC audience .
9 I did this but it 's not for a few weeks time for my presentation on Freud , or
10 I do n't think we should be talking like this but it 's quite natural is n't it ?
11 and it looks like this but it 's a similar texture , but it 's a different taste , it 's got walnuts on the , bit on the top
12 One or two people did this but it was n't taken up generally .
13 ( The places we saw & visited were mind-boggling but it was really a family visit to see & , their daughters , sons-in-law & grand-children … all boys ) .
14 For those who have read the book the game will be easier but it is not a necessity .
15 But I mean it sounds really crap but it 's just I swear if he chooses me I 'm gon na fucking slap him .
16 Hardy abandoned his architectural career in 1872 but it was by no means the end of his interest in the subject .
17 Rhaw 's collection of Newe deudsche geistliche Gesenge ( 1544 ) was not the earliest collection of polyphonic Lutheran hymn-compositions — Walter 's Gesangbüchlein ( see p. 220 ) reached its fifth edition in the same year and the Concentus novi trium vocum of Hans Kugelmann ( d. 1542 ) had appeared at Augsburg in 1540 but it was by far the most important .
18 Evaluation is still rudimentary but it is increasingly accepted that with services as massive and costly as those described we must develop techniques for measuring their impact and comparing the success and failure of different approaches .
19 Mrs Letts is terrifically brave but it 's an awful tragedy .
20 He knows he is doing wrong but it is just that , in certain situations of moral dilemma he has to act in ways that involve violence .
21 That 's the only snag with that , that you you can get the wrong But it 's very much way of doing it .
22 It is wrong but it 's close .
23 It might not be cos you might have got the formula wrong and you 've got every one of them wrong but it 's usually a good sign .
24 I would n't do it deliberately wrong but it 's so
25 She was wrong but it 's easy when it 's everywhere like it is there .
26 It 's not a whoop it 's not a whooping cough do n't get me wrong but it 's you know he 's chesty
27 Perhaps there was something wrong but it was not that serious .
28 I mean , alright the heating did n't go wrong but it was n't that , the coach itself was you know , really rattled !
29 The reason for this is not clear but it is believed to be related to surface characteristics such as defect chemistry .
30 The reason for this is not clear but it is worth noting that McCamman et al noted that ‘ explosive diarrhoea , gas , cramps , sweating , and feeling light headed were common complaints ’ after healthy volunteers finished an elemental regimen and started to eat food .
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