Example sentences of "[adj] from [pron] is " in BNC.

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1 These also involve processing within the brain but are slightly different from what is normally meant by thinking or drawing on memory and experience .
2 It stands to reason that were young people truly creative the culture would fall apart , for originality is by definition different from what is given , and what is given is the culture itself .
3 As already mentioned what is significant for a task description leading to an interface design may be different from what is significant for personnel allocation and training but the available procedures are the same .
4 What was sought from a partner in one 's twenties may be very different from what is sought 20 years later .
5 It might be predicted , for instance , that 49 would be zeugmatic , since what is smashed ( the door-panel ) is different from what is bricked up ( the doorway ) :
6 Analysing the current is more difficult because what you see on the surface may be very different from what is happening near the river bed .
7 Is it your intention that Policy E two should be interpreted as saying anything different from what is in section two of P P G seven which covers
8 It should be clear from what is said above that from the purely practical classroom point of view , generative phonology has little to offer and could well create confusion .
9 But then , if they are in regions where antimatter dominates over matter , the repulsion would in fact be an attraction , and the white hole would be indistinguishable from what is , in our Universe of matter , a black hole .
10 The correlation between a legal obligation on the one hand and a subjective right on the other admits of no exception ; as distinct from what is said to be the situation in municipal law , there are certainly no obligations incumbent on a subject which are not matched by an international subjective right of another subject or subjects , or even … of the totality of the other subjects of the law of nations .
11 As distinct from what is the Greater York study area ?
12 Most of this information comes not so much from what is happening but from what is not happening .
13 However , it is also important to begin to distinguish what is real from what is fictional .
14 Only when things go wrong is the veil of privacy which normally conceals the workings of married life lifted , and usually in the hope of discovering that what is happening in one marriage is not , after all , so dissimilar from what is happening in others .
15 this is gon na be done from the heart , there 's no , nothing being put there in front , because when you see what I 've got and what my branch has achieved working with unemployed people your branch earner and that lady up there , , twenty seven years in this union we started this football team , it was this dream that I had and I come from Salford , which is not far from which is devastated with drugs burnt out cars people robbing each other , and of course , .
16 my Lord the officer is he 's the wonderful from who is closest to the brochures and therefore
17 All of these features have combined to create the contemporary problem ; hooliganism exemplifies to perfection the difficulty of disentangling what is new from what is old in social history .
18 All of these features have combined to create the contemporary problem ; hooliganism exemplifies to perfection the difficulty of disentangling what is new from what is old in social history .
19 People who know their animals well have a strong sense of what they are going to do next from what is referred to as the animals ' ‘ body language ’ .
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