Example sentences of "[adj] are [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I suppose that comments like that are music to your ears ?
2 A lot of things you remember like that are moments of desolation .
3 And often we are the people who embroider it and overbear it with all the complications ent that that are that are part of it .
4 The beautiful and the hideous are part of the same principle .
5 The quietest month for some time on the Register , with very few in-sequence allocations — and o the rest no less than eleven are aircraft with changed marks .
6 The youngsters all aged between eight and eleven are pupils at Kings Meadow County Primary School in Bicester in Oxfordshire .
7 A portion of a more general two-dimensional surface is pictured in Fig. 3.6. are geodesics across the surface which intersect at right angles ; ON is the local normal to the surface .
8 For even if we achieve the objective of a full franchise then the purpose of that full franchise will not work for disabled people if they do n't have full access to polling stations , they only then have the alternative of using postal or proxy votes and not exercising their franchise in the same way that able-bodied people er will do and their full right are part of the measure that I 'm seeking the house to agree that I should pursue .
9 All eight are prisoners of conscience , detained solely for peaceful political activity , including the defence of human rights .
10 Although over half of women employed full-time are members of employers ' pension schemes , this represents only about one-fifth of adult women ( Joshi and Davies , 1991 ) .
11 What are more rare and more revealing are studies of individual children 's reading .
12 The most immediate examples of this are ones in which the imposed density variations are entirely vertical ; as in Chapter 22 , this implies that any motion is the consequence of instability of the rest configuration .
13 And allied to this are concerns about ‘ not getting the results ’ and about one 's reputation with colleagues in general , and especially with the senior staff whose opinion can make or break a career .
14 Overlaid on this are strands of sexual politics as the strike allows women to take greater responsibilities .
15 Lurking behind this are views about law and about the family .
16 Allied to this are views about the limited efficacy of law .
17 Schemes like this are part of the £23 billion
18 The exceptions to this are relatives of the nautilus , the squid and the octopus .
19 Beneath this are bowls of the same shape and construction , but increasingly greater diameters .
20 Next to this are heaps of coal and a conveyor cantilevered out over the river .
21 Examples of this are courses in accident and emergency , neuromedical and neurosurgical nursing or ophthalmic nursing .
22 Some are calls to each other ; some to the gringo .
23 Some are casulties of war , others the victims of terrorist attack .
24 Some are originals from the 2 million documents dating back to the early 1600s which are stored in the Hydrographic Office , and some are sophisticated copies made from the originals used 50 years ago .
25 But some are north to south which confuse things .
26 But some are north to south which confuse things .
27 Two of his daughters , Ella and her sister Eva , became Salvation Army officers and of his thirty three grandchildren some are ministers in the free churches , most are Salvationists and one is the General .
28 Some are members of the CND , others of the Medical Campaign Against Nuclear Weapons .
29 But some are gluttons for punishment .
30 Some of the following are invented examples , for language teaching or grammatical analysis , and some are pieces of language which were actually used to communicate .
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