Example sentences of "[adj] he [be] on " in BNC.

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1 By the age of twenty-one he was on Fleet Street , married with a mortgage , and was living in suffocating respectability in Rayleigh , Essex .
2 From 1817 until 1819 he was on leave on the Continent where he presented some of his Greenland material to museums in Copenhagen and Vienna .
3 ‘ But German Intelligence are convinced he 's on their side ? ’
4 Another officer said of him : ‘ I think we were just glad he was on our side .
5 While Iran was undergoing fundamental changes in the seventies he was on the outside , instead of authority at home .
6 Yet it was John Lightfoot [ q.v. ] , the Christian Hebraist at Cambridge , who secured an academic position for Abendana , and from 1663 until 1667 he was on the payroll of Trinity College , Cambridge , working on his translation of the Mishnah .
7 That will depend on how good he is on the day .
8 Sure he 's on our side ? ’ he asked .
9 ‘ No , but I 'm sure he 's on his way . ’
10 Paul he 's got , he 's er S one table tennis , you sure he 's on table tennis ?
11 The ‘ Megatop Phoenix ’ era finds Mick wrestling with poor returns , but with the inception of BAD II he 's on the track once more , wearing daft hats and running with the oldest , coolest street gang in the business .
12 ‘ From nine till 3.30 he was on his feet the entire time , ’ Hamilton recalls .
13 In 1962 , he married American actress Susan and by 1966 he was on the up again playing a seedy abortionist in the hit movie Alfie .
14 By the time Fred was 16 he was on the books of Aldershot and had played in friendlies against the Army and Clapton Orient .
15 On 16 August 1987 he was on duty in plain clothes and as a result of a radio message attended an incident following a wedding party in West London .
16 It 's like what 's his name Sammy Davis , when he was alive he was on the telly doing all these and he said how can you do this fellows now he said ?
17 After that he is on his own .
18 Edgar was offered a grant for six months ; after that he was on his own .
19 In 1974 he was on board the Glomar Challenger , for Leg 37 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project .
20 At last he was on his feet but moving with difficulty , sharply drawing in his breath as pain shot through him .
21 Between 1922 and 1927 he was on the headquarters staff of the League of Nations Union .
22 In 1640 he was on familiar terms with John Pym [ q.v. ] , his colleague as treasurer of the Providence Island Company .
23 Only minutes earlier , the gentle giant was in the bar chatting with friends and fans , the next he 's on stage and screaming himself raw as the tortured madman at the wheel of the flaming incandescence that is Into Paradise live .
24 One minute he was busking away on the cabaret circuit , the next he was on late-night TV , and then suddenly he was grinning all over the tabloids .
25 She says folk tell how sweet he is on her .
26 If it is true he is on £4,000-a-week and is asking for more , Brian Clough is right — as usual — to say ‘ no ’ .
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