Example sentences of "[adj] he [verb] [be] " in BNC.

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1 But when Jesus heard this he said is it not those who are healthy who need a physi , it is not those who are healthy who need a physician , but those who are sick .
2 To do this he had been dropping dummies by parachute near Italian prisoner-of-war camps , and the advent of some real parachutists was an obvious gift .
3 As he moved away from the tree it became apparent to Marian that between him and the trunk lay a substantial sack , and that it was this he had been defending so stoutly .
4 Somewhat before this he had been introduced , probably by Anne Boleyn , to some rather more revolutionary reading matter : The Obedience of a Christian Man , written by the suspected heretic William Tyndale .
5 This he claimed was due to the way in which the modular certificates are gained .
6 For this he has been smeared and victimised .
7 This he believes is where his future lies in Europe .
8 While in the United States in the 1890s he had been heavily influenced by the Populist and Democratic Parties ' assault on the Gold Standard .
9 It was clear he had been beaten , his face was bruised and his ragged clothing was hanging from him .
10 He was conspicuously trying to be brave , but it was quite clear he had been devastated by the experience .
11 Even from this distance it was clear he 'd been hit several times in the chest and there was also red paint all over his visor .
12 In the last 12 he 's been here at Little Wittenham in Oxfordshire and has raised £150,000 for charity .
13 It was known to Charles too , for in 832 he had been installed as king there , briefly , at Limoges .
14 The man had been so embarrassed he had been pretending to study the graffiti on the cell walls .
15 Yes you would , be careful he get 's between your legs and goes .
16 Salieri had never got on with Leopold II , and in 1790 he had been released from most of his court obligations , remaining as a kind of honorary kapellmeister .
17 By 1985 he had been relegated to a place in the wings while his wife , now a media star , glowed .
18 Since 1985 he has been dedicated to the development and implementation of practical/operational expert systems for different sectors of industry including aerospace .
19 How fond he had been of darling Mou-Mou … it broke Mummy 's heart to have her put down , but it was the kindest thing to do … .
20 Ever since he was two years old he had been captivated by the pictures of the fiery beasts in The Octarine Fairy Book .
21 ‘ That 's how dependent he had been on her . ’
22 No , another he said was that bloke came in later .
23 Leonora , afraid he 'd been about to order her to bed , assented so rapturously that Penry eyed her in amusement as he crossed to the stairs .
24 ‘ I 'm afraid he 's been sent off to the railway , sir .
25 On entering Taiwan from the USA in December 1991 he had been immediately arrested .
26 Jonathan described to the court how in August 1991 he had been given a blackcurrant drink made by Allitt .
27 Since August 1991 he has been a key member of the Planning Team preparing for the European Summit Meeting at the Palace on 11 – 12 December 1992 and organising the subsequent reinstatement works .
28 When his trial opened on May 26 he had been charged with complicity in genocide , and the presiding judge had only substituted the lesser charge of instigating murder at the moment of reaching a verdict .
29 Spencer 's conduct at the new Debtors ' Prison in Whitecross Street , where in 1828 he had been keeper for six years , was the subject of a Memorial from James Neild 's Thatched House Society to the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen of the City of London .
30 As he entered the study , Stephen reflected on how fortunate he had been to obtain this man 's services .
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