Example sentences of "[adj] that in [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is in the Demoiselles that these two influences first appear together in the art of Picasso , and it is this that in part makes the picture a natural starting-point for the history of Cubism .
2 ‘ But it is quite clear that in order to generate the development side of the research , new funds would need to be made available , ’ he says .
3 The Training Agency has made it clear that in order for Compacts to attract its support , they must offer training at least to Youth Training Scheme ( YTS ) standards , and that jobs offered must be at full employed status .
4 It therefore seems clear that in order to found an action for breach of confidence the defendant must have obtained the information as a result of a disclosure by the plaintiff in circumstances of confidence .
5 It was clear that in spite of the NSDAP 's grip on the local population and the conciliatory attitudes of British and French politicians , he would be unable to bargain Danzig back into the Reich .
6 It is clear that in cases where the mistake relates to a circumstance qualified by mens rea the outcome will be the same whether one adopts the definitional or the defence doctrine of mistake , that is ‘ the prosecution will wither on the bough .
7 Her father recounted his latest golf tournament , Guy talked to Charles about sailing , then opened up the conversation by introducing a surprisingly shrewd appreciation of the arts into the debate , when it became clear that in addition to racing yachts around the Isle of Wight he made frequent visits to see the RSC at the Barbican , and was something of an expert on modern ballet .
8 For the first time it became clear that in manpower terms the USSR was deploying the largest R and D effort in the world .
9 Moreover , from such analysis it was clear that in fact companies had responded in a whole range of different ways to the pressures upon them , and indeed that the nature of those pressures varied between industries and between firms .
10 Gooch 's hand in selection this winter was considerable — but Fletcher made it clear that in future he will exercise more influence over the make-up of a tour party .
11 ‘ I am also very glad that following advice in the normal way , you have been able to make it clear that in relation to subsequent allegations , I have acted within the guidance on the conduct of ministers .
12 By sweeping aside the common law doctrine of privity in this way , it was clear that in theory insiders would be potentially exposed to vast liability .
13 But whatever the symbolic significance of these ceremonies may have been , it is clear that in practice Henry still retained the reins of power .
14 However it is clear that in practice some limitation would have to be imposed on any such principle .
15 It is clear that the role need not always be undertaken by a social worker , but it also seems clear that in situations of family complexity , or personal loss of morale , social workers have particular skills to offer .
16 Generally , children are already selected for their communication ability , but although Hegarty , Pocklington and Lucas are optimistic about the provision they describe , it is clear that in language and interaction there are problems .
17 Still , Thomas Brassey the railway entrepreneur , speaking with the voice of business common sense , observed of serfdom that the crop yield in servile Russia was half that in England and Saxony and less than in any other European country , and of slavery that it was ‘ obviously ’ less productive than free labour and more expensive than people thought , bearing in mind the cost of purchase or of rearing and maintenance .
18 The climb was so steep that in places it could be made only with the help of ropes .
19 Naturally they were anxious to fire this destructive load before it was too late ; the angle of the chase was depressed to such an extent that they were afraid that in spite of the wadding the contents of their canister might dribble out … already a fountain of glass marbles commandeered from the children had cascaded about the ears of the defenders .
20 For it was proper that in matters of sacrifice the ruler should fare better than the commoner and the nation than the ruler , since the whole should always be superior to the part …
21 It is interesting that in Wordsworth 's copy of 60 Large Prints the poet has corrected the title of a tree which Green has misnamed .
22 It is interesting that in Stenobothrus rubicundus the same nervous mechanism can induce two different activities : thoracic motor neurons produce identical firing patterns in controlling leg and wing movements so that certain fundamental features of the wing-beat pattern recur in stridulatory movements of the leg ( Elsner , 1974 ) .
23 Mackie denies a charge under the Companies Securities ( Insider Dealing ) Act 1985 that in September 1991 he counselled and procured two salesmen in his firm to deal in Shanks & McEwan .
24 At the end of September Violet came home for a long weekend and Perdita was so bloody-minded that in despair Daisy escaped to Harvest Festival for an hour of peace .
25 Of land on the registers he says hopefully , ‘ it 's possible that in areas with planning restrictions , planning permission might be given more readily in order for it to be cleaned up as part of development ’ .
26 Exactly what happened between this date and 10 July is not known precisely and it is possible that in addition to the group of six already identified there were other DGSE agents involved .
27 Was n't it possible that in years to come she and Susan , doomed to loneliness themselves , might feel very glad that they had done their best to make someone else less lonely ?
28 It is possible that in fact the true Shetland breed disappeared by the 1950s but the type persists .
29 Mr is it possible that in fact the on this occasion you forgot to shout armed police ?
30 From this viewpoint , if we assume that complex visuo-spatial capability was present before the evolution of language in humans , it is possible that in men only the left hemisphere became involved in language .
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