Example sentences of "[adj] for [det] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They needed no professional help with the evening 's drinking but arose magically clear-headed and eagle-eyed for each subsequent day 's golf .
2 The Catalan and Basque languages were compulsorily replaced by Castilian Spanish for all public purposes ( including speech outside the home , teaching , the press , literature and drama ) and the music , dancing and folk songs traditional in those regions were proscribed .
3 Given one week 's pay due for each whole year 's service from 22nd birthday to 41st birthday .
4 Given 1½ weeks ' pay due for each whole year 's service from 41st birthday to retirement .
5 If you have not bought any new appliances since you first moved into your home , or if your family has changed in numbers , you might be due for some updated versions .
6 But is n't it due for some extensive reform ?
7 He was due for some unpleasant surprises , she felt .
8 It managed to hold its own yesterday and if it continues to strengthen the pundits reckon we could be due for another prolonged rally in shares in the New Year .
9 Thompsons also stock a large range of gift wrap and stationery to cover most businesses , and right now they are showing off the most unusual range of candles which are just right for that special occasion .
10 In some ways that was the classic sound that I had with Whitesnake , but that sound was n't usable in later , more AOR versions of either that band or even other things that I 've done ; all you can say is that it was right for that particular music .
11 Under pressure from Russian nationalists , however , Yeltsin had made increasingly overt statements in the weeks preceding his visit suggesting that the time was not right for any major alteration in the status of the disputed territory , and calling for greater Japanese flexibility on the issue of the sovereignty of the islands .
12 JUST right for those long , hot summer days .
13 Everything had an Oriental feel to it , which was just right for this cool , tropical house , and the large rooms were not crowded with pieces but gave a feeling of tranquil , uncluttered space .
14 This does not mean children have to get their own way all the time ( see page 97 for some specific tactics ) .
15 On the other hand , without the gay community there would not have been the collective response of support which has made it possible for many gay men to live with AIDS or the fear of AIDS .
16 English pragmatism had made it possible for many educational administrators to use an intelligence test in addition to examinations of attainment , as a refinement of their selection process .
17 Even if a coordinated approach to transition is difficult to achieve it should be possible for all concerned to agree a broad range of aims for transition .
18 Enjoy yourself — you 'll find Mr Hunter always makes these sessions as pleasant as possible for all concerned . ’
19 It is possible for several separate LIFESPAN systems to be established on the same computer configuration , each with its own allocation of resources , perhaps for contractual reasons .
20 It has already been noted that interactions between infant and adult lead to the development of pre-verbal communicative exchanges in which adult and child are able to refer to objects and events ; successful joint reference makes it possible for these external objects and events to become ‘ topics ’ for further exchanges .
21 By a process of ‘ abstraction ’ , moreover , it was possible for these general notions to be ‘ impressed ’ on our minds or intellects , thus making it possible for us to think in terms of them .
22 But it 's okay , it it it is possible for these moral values to be implanted in people by the exercise of force , by fear , er , or it is possible by an understanding , an acceptance of spiritual moral , ethical values .
23 It asked us to reserve our seats as soon as possible for this famous work by Shakespeare .
24 Students were also asked for the titles of their theses , but in the event these proved so variable , imprecise or ( frequently ) unknown , it did not prove possible for this interim report to use this information .
25 This split is n't perfect because it is possible for some complex types of software error to produce what looks like random failure because a particular set of rare events have to occur .
26 It is possible for some urethral discharge from the penis to be transferred to the seat if the male is sitting down ; and if a second male should accidentally touch the same part of the seat soon afterwards with his penis , then infection could be acquired .
27 Second , it 's possible for some explosive activity to take place in the summit crater , but for most of the lava to be erupted quietly from a vent or fissure on the flanks of the volcano .
28 The idea of European citizenship may , however , seem a little absurd for those English fans who spend most of their time abroad abusing foreigners and orchestrating international hooligan networks .
29 The future holds little for these Romanian children , they live in appalling conditions in one of the country 's worst orphanges , at Siret .
30 As the MOD has shopped around Europe for additional supplies of 155mm shells , some of the responses have done little for any future spirit of co-operation .
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