Example sentences of "[adj] for [verb] or " in BNC.

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1 Under the Acts it is a criminal offence for a dealer to offer or agree to give an inducement or reward to another for abstaining or having abstained from bidding .
2 Perfect for slicing or cutting , the distinctive taste and natural texture make this new cheese deliciously different .
3 The clothes she was wearing were the only things in the jogger 's favour : they were ideal for running or fighting .
4 Coir , the fibrous husk of the coconut , is being hailed as the new alternative to peat , it has many similar properties , ideal for potting or seed sowing .
5 Liver sausage may be firm for slicing or smooth for spreading and most of the continental varieties are of the latter type .
6 Whilst most writers resort to some form of categorization of responses , there is a general emphasis , underlined by Kaelin , that , whilst such structuring may be useful for learning or communication , its value is transitory and it should be readily discarded in favour of the unity of the aesthetic experience itself .
7 A small pair of scissors , about 15cm ( 6in ) long are useful for trimming or unpicking .
8 The weakness of the system lay not so much in the Exchequer 's faulty handling of the business for which it was intended , as in the absence of any institution responsible for developing or supervising the whole field of royal finance .
9 But at the same time , it increased risks for national governments , both as helmsmen for the national economy and as the ultimate authority responsible for maintaining or improving the creditworthiness of the state as a debtor seeking finance from the system .
10 TECs are private-sector-led bodies that will be responsible for providing or co-ordinating training programmes in their area .
11 The central proposals , ie that District Health Authorities should receive an allocation based on their population and should be responsible for providing or acquiring health care services to meet the needs of that population , are fundamentally Type I. However , there are several proposals in Working for patients which introduce elements of a Type II system into the activities of DHAs .
12 An extremely ‘ permissive ’ parent , on the other hand , attempts to behave in a non-punitive , accepting and affirmative manner towards children 's impulses , desires and actions ; always to consult with them about policy decisions and give explanations for family rules ; to make few demands for household responsibility and orderly behaviour ; to present himself/herself to them as someone to call upon for help and company as they wish , rather than as an active ‘ disciplinary agent ’ responsible for shaping or altering behaviour .
13 It will become a criminal offence not to comply fully with any investigations , and it will be possible to impose substantial financial penalties , not only upon the companies operating a prohibited agreement , but also upon those directors found responsible for negotiating or operating such an agreement .
14 The new regulation reinforces the principle of " self-sufficiency " , namely that waste should be dealt with as close as possible to the point of production and that countries should be responsible for processing or dumping their own waste .
15 The head is removable for washing or autoclaving .
16 The money in the conservation fund would be available for buying or safe-guarding ‘ sensitive areas of community interest ’ .
17 This money ( £89.99 ) is available for sporting or recreational uses in the parish and I 'm pleased to tell you that at their recent meeting the Parish Council agreed that it should be passed to Scorton Bowling Club .
18 Copies of modules on disk or magnetic tape , not immediately available for reading or updating .
19 Alan West , senior tax manager of accountants Grant Thornton in Suffolk , said that while , generally , tax rates had not been increased because of Budget adjustments , people would have less cash available for spending or saving .
20 Apart from such specific commitments no financial assistance is available for upgrading or replacement of previously assisted projects .
21 One of the hotel 's most appealing features is a treelined terrace — delightful for sunbathing or a relaxing cool drink .
22 It can be snorted'' or injected but it does not vaporise easily and is not suitable for inhaling or smoking .
23 Snazzy striped boxers , again suitable for sun-bathing or for swimming .
24 But by the time the dancing stopped in the early hours of Sunday , ninety-six arrests had been made — sixty-five for the possession of illegal drugs , twenty-six for supplying or intending to supply them .
25 he says , you know , th they 're about ready for renewing or parts
26 In all cases the broken ore was allowed to fall about the girls ' feet from where it was shovelled by the younger boys and girls and wheeled to the respective piles or hoppers , At all stages waste was thrown aside ready for tramming or barrowing to the spoil heaps .
27 Without digressing into the subject of word processing in itself , which would probably require a paper all of its own , suffice it to say that word processing programs on computer enable letters and any other documents to be created , corrected if necessary , then stored on disk or tape ready for printing or alteration at a later data In this example a general letter inviting a candidate to interview could be drawn up and then only the details specific to each candidate need be added before printing the letter .
28 For example a home-made brawn or pig's-head cheese seasoned with a generous amount of lemon juice ( squeezed in after cooking and when the meat is shredded or chopped ready for potting or moulding ) transforms an often insipid dish into a delicacy .
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