Example sentences of "[adj] was the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This was the classic showman speaking and on this occasion he was directing his remarks directly at those intellectuals whom his films had brought into cinemas for the first time .
2 This was the classic method of waging war .
3 This was the classic method of brainwashing , after all , used by interrogators , priests , and psychoanalysts alike .
4 This was the stark warning given by Professor David Harvey of Newcastle University , when he presented the first in a series of Northern Foods ' milk industry papers .
5 But this was the hanging gardens of Hampden Babylon , the land where agents rule , books do n't balance and credit cards are cut up in front of your eyes .
6 This was the young woman Vincent had called on at her home in Amsterdam when he was studying there .
7 Underlying all this was the political influence of Germany .
8 I could n't work in those circumstances , so I decided this was the right time if I really wanted to do something with my solo career , just break loose completely . ’
9 After driving several miles in the fading light , I spotted a signpost which marked a public footpath , and somehow ‘ knew ’ this was the right route .
10 Asquith pronounced that this was the right course , and that was decisive , particularly as Baldwin agreed with him .
11 She did not know what the matter was but knew instinctively that this was the right thing to do .
12 For all those reasons I am satisfied that although the justices plainly were very concerned and believed that this was the right course to take , I do not think they were justified in refusing the local authority 's application for an interim care order .
13 ( Alice did not know if this was the right way to speak to a mouse .
14 Suddenly , Mary knew that this was the right moment to tell him .
15 Aunt Tossie considered if this was the right evening to tell her the news .
16 He was pleased that this was the right time .
17 ‘ The worst that can happen … ’ she took a deep breath , hoping that this was the right thing to say ‘ … is that the baby has to be delivered over the next few days . ’
18 ‘ We felt this was the right moment to do it .
19 It 's a vicar 's house , and thousands and thousands of pounds were spent and one wonders , you know , really whether this was the right moment , you know , the piquant moment to be doing this when we have in our streets men and women who erm are in desperate need .
20 Tossing this first layer of skin aside , he attempted to burrow deeper , only to discover yet more skin , though whether this was the outer skin that had slithered back through his advancing fingers , or a whole new layer was not apparent , but it was pretty clear that finding her windpipe , let alone getting hands round it and squeezing it , was a two-person job .
21 This was the nineteenth-century English approach , and many such offences still survive in the Offences against the Person Act 1861 ( relating , for example , to injuries caused by gunpowder , throwing corrosive fluid , failing to provide food for apprentices , setting spring guns ) .
22 As North wrote to Adolfo Calero , the chief contra leader , on May 1st 1986 , ‘ source of funding ( this was the Saudi money ) must not become known .
23 FOR THE entire 1970s , this was the standard NME favourable review , enabling our non-hippy staff to write about anything weird without listening to it .
24 This was the standard deviation of the logarithms of the daily price relatives between day t and delivery ( T ) , converted to a monthly equivalent ( ninth in the list in Section 8.1.3 ) .
25 Andrew added : ‘ This was the perfect return to domestic rugby for me and a fine display by an experimental side . ’
26 Andrew said : ‘ This was the perfect return to domestic rugby for me and a fine display by an experimental side .
27 But this was the perfect end to the week , ’ he said .
28 This was the perfect preparation for importing the influence of French garden design to England , with the Restoration of Charles II in 1660 , for both Rose and his master were ready to follow some of the examples given in the work of André Le Nôtre , particularly at Versailles .
29 In particular , concern about the long-run decline in the birth-rate and the recognition that this was the major reason for the growing proportion of old people in the population ( Thane forthcoming ) coincided with a post-war labour shortage , making the elderly a focus of interest in a wider range of policy-making and otherwise influential circles .
30 For Dean Acheson this was the major consideration .
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