Example sentences of "[adj] was [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This was no great problem for Mr Berge ; being cocky and confident comes naturally to him whether he is presiding over his other little empire , the Yves Saint Laurent fashion house , or standing over a gaping hole in credibility .
2 THIS was no great victory .
3 It was quite a drive and quite a list for when she got there , so she was unlikely to be back before the early evening ; but this was no great problem , because they 'd soon be closing the doors so that they could make a start on the next day 's preparations .
4 Vic goes down in football 's annals as the first international player to be chosen from the ranks of the 4th Division ( for Wales against Northern Ireland in Belfast on 22 April 1959 ) , but Palace fans should know that this was no freak selection , for Vic had impressed many with his splendid performances and was in a run of 143 consecutive League games with just a single absence for us .
5 This was no shabby , run-down Victorian house as we had expected , but a splendid stone-clad manor house with golden hamstone mullions , and a greenish roof of Cornish Delabole slate .
6 Long before he reached the edge of the wood he knew this was no mere cavalry raid .
7 This was no mere coincidence , for the oolitic limestone of the Cotswold Hills continues north-eastwards across Northamptonshire and Rutland and into Lincolnshire , taking in , on the way , Towcester hundred , which shows similar characteristics , and skirting the three hundreds of Buckingham , where people were marginally more prosperous than in the rest of north Buckinghamshire .
8 But however it happened , this was no mere " chance " — God was demonstrating his absolute control .
9 This was no mere cyclical event : it effected a permanent reduction in the relative economic importance of manufacturing , the male worker and the North .
10 This was no mere offer of assistance , she saw .
11 This was no mere poetic fantasy .
12 This was no new departure : Charles I had wanted a strong navy , though his reliance on unparliamentary taxation to pay for it had led to trouble ; the Republic had gone further afield than previous governments and had won some notable successes ; and Charles II and his brother James had tried to build up a strong navy without becoming too caught up by the House of Commons and its desire to control policy by controlling finance .
13 Circumcision : this was no new rite .
14 This was no new phenomenon .
15 There could be none of the early 1960s sit-downs , it was implicitly recognized , this was no passive Gandhi protest , the state had to be confronted .
16 This was no easy matter , it being a crumbly cheese — My mother however did it — I went into the garden for something or other , and in the mean time my Brother Frank minced my cheese , ‘ to disappoint the favorite ’ .
17 This was no easy task as the Lincoln would be flying at low level over a featureless jungle and the bomb aimer had to be quick in identifying each datum point on the route into and out of the target point .
18 This was no easy task , given America 's recent history of non-involvement in international affairs .
19 This was no easy task , night raids are difficult to convey on canvas and a raid so radically different from all others presented many problems .
20 This was no mean achievement for the son of immigrant parents , and for a man who had left school five years before going back to college .
21 If was for service to the monarchy , however , that he was made the first Earl Ashburnham in 1730 ; for a family that had begun as modest farmers in the medieval Weald , this was no mean achievement .
22 Considering that we were completely and utterly untrained at this stage of the war , this was no mean achievement .
23 This was no mean achievement , bearing in mind that much of the action takes place in the contestants ’ changing room .
24 Somehow , and from somewhere , a beautiful young woman appeared — this was no imagined vision — and she took them to some hot springs where they all ended up naked .
25 It 's lighter and funnier than it sounds , but this was no gentle role .
26 This was no simple production assistant .
27 Though there was one thing she was even more certain of than ever — this was no simple , straightforward assignment she 'd taken on .
28 This was no small step for one so young but for a woman it was more remarkable since she was the first woman solicitor in Sheffield .
29 This was no serial hallucination , in which the dreamer was trapped in the viewpoints of a succession of similies .
30 Despite the apparent informality of the occasion , this was no glorious undergraduate fluke .
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