Example sentences of "[adj] i [vb past] get " in BNC.

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1 There was , the there were two they had that I had got .
2 I remember once I got on to Norton because there was this I wanted to get to but I did do some shepherding there , and that was another fun , carrying , and that 's a winter job , carrying the sheep hurdling , hurdles and stakes , I worked with a gypsy , a Romany gypsy , and he could n't speak very much , and tended to sing , as if something not quite right about him .
3 I made it from old aluminium tent-poles , some of which I had found in the attic a long time previously and some I had got from the town dump .
4 I had n't realized just how much I 'd got out of the swing of things but everyone helped as much as they could and I soon adjusted back again .
5 ‘ To tell you the truth , I had n't realised quite how much I 'd got in the habit of the kind of organised chaos we worked under at St Margaret 's .
6 There had been a period when he allowed Barbara Castle , Dick Crossman and George Wigg , all of whom suffered from the belief that politics was a conspiracy , to influence him too much , but in later years he had broken free from them and I suddenly realised how much I had got used to him being there to shoulder the final responsibility , to feeling able to turn to him naturally for a second opinion and for well-informed advice .
7 All down there and I had to get a it was that much I had to get a bucket of water , soapy water to scrub it down .
8 I was so tired I had to get off my bike twice on the way up to Creeting and sit on the side of the road in the snow for a spell before I could go on .
9 But all I kept getting was thirty four
10 All I 'd got was my dreams .
11 Cos they used to send me er l er orders , locks on drawings and six , six or sev six or seven pages and that 's all I 'd got to go in , see what I mean ?
12 Took all I 'd got .
13 So all I 'd got ta check was the fuses .
14 'and there was 1 , making my husband 's life a misery , sure I 'd got the dreaded C. ’
15 ‘ It does take some nerve and a nerve I was n't quite sure I 'd got .
16 Yeah I 'm sorry I 'm a little bit late but , you know , I just wanted to make sure I 'd got the right turnings cos erm
17 Erm I wanted to make sure I 'd got the right turning I think was the answer but there was no reason to say I had problems finding you or I was held up I 'm sorry for that or , or anything , there was no , there was no actual acknowledgement or reason for being late .
18 I think there was only one because they only had one , and I got one white cos they only had one I think , it was the other colours I 'm sure I 'd got two of , I must of done , cos I mean I 've used a lot myself do n't I ?
19 I knew he now realized this was serious , but I was not sure I had got through to him how serious .
20 At first I managed to get hold of two pictures by Popova , then the thread broke off and , completely by chance , I stumbled back on the right trail .
21 Yeah , but that goes , that goes in the lit file , so I got rid of my er with the thirty five I managed to get rid of erm
22 And then when I was about twenty four , twenty four or five I 'd got twenty men working for me , so er we were n't doing so bad .
23 Oh I wanted I wanted not being mean I wanted to get Lorna because she 's a classic example of the Bristolian accent .
24 It were me , me dad , me dad and mother , me I 'd got two I 'd got er one brother and two sisters .
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