Example sentences of "[adj] i [vb mod] get " in BNC.

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1 Sorry I 'll get the old
2 To save even the meanest man or woman alive I 'd get rid of the whole Sistine Chapel !
3 I see I wa before you do that I 'll get in touch with the guy who drew it and if he if he has got an original copy he might be able to erm to er
4 And after that I 'll get a job juggling snowballs through Hell , he added bitterly in the privacy of his own skull .
5 After that I 'll get out of your sight and disappear from your life . ’
6 ‘ Next year will be hard work -but perhaps the year after that I 'll get the chance to break away to a Greek isle and do a Shirley Valentine … ‘
7 whether we needed to go back for anything to go in the fridge or freezer If I got this page sort of full by the end of the week , people there were picking out their , they were getting tea bags and coffee and biscuits , you know for two pages full , I 've got one page full and of course with that I could get erm , packet of the Ferrera Roche
8 I 'm still terrified , even though McDunn 's on my side , because I can see he 's not so hopeful any more and if they take him off this I might get the bad cops , the ones that just want a confession and Christ I 'm in England , not Scotland , and despite the McGuire Seven and the Guildford Four they still have n't changed the law : down here you can still be convicted on an uncorroborated confession even if you try to retract it later .
9 As soon as I sell this I can get one .
10 If I differentiated this I 'd get two X cos the two would disappear .
11 Erm the cheapest I can get them is about two hundred pounds , the fastest I can get them is forty-eight-hour delivery .
12 ‘ When it 's light I 'll get up quietly and slip out of the boat .
13 No , that 's funny I should get two on the same survey
14 If you want some I 'll get
15 I suppose she 's afraid I 'll get as dotty as everybody there .
16 I explained that I was afraid I was jinxed , that I brought death and destruction upon all those near me , and also that I was afraid I might get sent to prison because people would think I had murdered Esmerelda .
17 I wan na know how much I can get for that thing though .
18 He said : ‘ I only have a few thousand invested , but it is very worrying when you can not get your money back , and there is no way of knowing how long it might be or how much I will get back . ’
19 It 's okay I 'll get it , tuppence ?
20 Oh that 's okay I 'll get all them off .
21 Whenever mum was ill I used to get a little card and write a poem and put it on her pillow .
22 So what 's the worst I can get , at the end of a telephone session , the worst is that I 'll end up with three appointments .
23 Oh well that 's good I can get the Lego out now then ca n't I at home ?
24 If I 'm late I 'll get a right hammering . ’
25 Eventually , the discipline is such as one used your influence on your mother and so if I 'm late I 'll get the cane , and so on .
26 So I said , frankly , all I 'll get is your laundry , another cup , saucer and plate to wash up and probably a great deal more you-know-what than I need ! ’
27 Cos all I 'll get off Jim is a load of crap !
28 Any time , any time at all I 'll get you off .
29 She said I 'd been given all I 'd get and I said it was n't enough . ’
30 All I could get , ’ he apologised .
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