Example sentences of "[adj] i [vb base] be " in BNC.

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1 Oh that clock 's right I hope is it ?
2 We 're about right I think are n't we ?
3 Erm , I do n't the exact figure but it is quite a bit less , erm seven pounds odd I think is n't it ?
4 There 's not a lot the act can do in terms for example of prosecuting people who use deception , it may just be possible I 've been advised , but it 's extremely difficult from an evidential and other point of view to do that .
5 I ‘ I hope that what little I have been able to do will enable others to benefit , ’ said Christine .
6 sorry I 've been all round the
7 I 'm sorry , I 'm sorry I 've been a bit steady getting there , but I think it 's an important issue to tackle that , quality is horses for courses and we have to accept the fact that we 're gon na get prestige type jobs and quick slick jobs , especially in the beginning of March every year .
8 " I 'm sorry I 've been so dreary lately , " she said .
9 Sorry I 've been a time .
10 Sorry I 've been to disability Scotland
11 Sorry I 've been a while , I went into mum 's to take her shopping in and Uncle Philip was there .
12 I am sorry I have been so long in replying but I only got your letter two days ago .
13 ‘ I do n't mind admitting I 've been wanting to meet you for some time . ’
14 I am saying Mr Major , as Prime Minister , if someone in my position is saying I believe , I believe , there is the best opportunity here for lasting peace , by which I mean a total cessation of violence , the least I expect is that you should listen to what I have to say .
15 How vain I feel is an attempt for me with all my weight of immorality and worry and dull ( not bad ) health to sweeten you who are so pure and without care and of bright health .
16 What that basically means , wherever that happens anywhere else in the country , you go to South Wales , you go to West Lothian , places like that I 've been up to West Lothian , all services are reduced when your main industry 's removed from an area .
17 Oh I have to agree with that I 've been watching
18 The reason for that I understand is that erm the sort of former universities , it 's something to do with the superannuation scheme quite separate so it 's all sort of based on their superannuation schemes .
19 I 'm not quite sure what 's going to happen to all the people that are unemployed because of this , but that I suppose is material for another programme .
20 And for that I think are very thankful .
21 Now that I think is , is the position as of the spring of nineteen forty
22 Well this I think 's Well it smells better than camomile tea .
23 This I think is bad teaching and interference which is quite inexcusable .
24 He 's actually sacked his own foreman , the main contractor cos the main , the foreman turned up on site and this I think is one of the lessons to be learnt , is that foreman turned up on site and saw what was happening
25 This I think is greatly to the credit of ICM , provided , as you say , that we can retain the appropriate balance .
26 The reason for this I think is , not in spite of , but because their work is so , ultimately , sociological .
27 It 's great to go slow where you 've got houses , children and all the other things , but I , Avenue , which is on er plan five , is one of the radial roads that goes through the centre of erm out in the direction and to put a thirty mile an hour speed limit on this I think is totally unrealistic .
28 This I think is actually more likely to get people to register to vote , I think regardless of any party affiliation you all have something to benefit from that and I suspect the vast majority of members of the council will see that any well designed leaflet that gets people to put themselves on the register is to the benefit of democracy .
29 Well this , this , this I think is , is quite important .
30 well then my Lord ah my Lord not all objective criteria and this I think is very important because you can have objective criterias as I , as I submitted last week that would be erm in order to trade in this market you must have capital of twenty million pounds and ten years experience , but that 's uniform rule , it does n't discriminate it 's objective , but it would be anti competitive because here you are setting up the most important market er in this , erm as they say in Europe for the project futures market and you 're excluding people who could be in there trading and who could be effecting the market
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