Example sentences of "[adj] i [be] get " in BNC.

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1 No , no those are too narrow I 'm getting fussy in my old age perhaps but
2 a certain part of I beg your pardon sorry I 'm getting my definitions wrong may be looking after something which the erm corporate locations are solely within the south but it 's handled by an corporate account .
3 Around 1985 I was getting so many requests from students , mainly from Blackwomen , to give interviews to inform their dissertations .
4 I realized early on how much I was getting out of the callers and the fact that some of them seemed to get something out of me too increased my confidence in other areas of my life .
5 It 's it 's all too much I 'm getting a bit confused now it 's
6 Wonder how much I 'm getting from the claim .
7 I 'm glad I 'm getting rid of all the Christmas remnants .
8 ‘ I hope you appreciate I 'm burning the midnight oil to ring you tonight , ’ Lucy 's voice persisted from its far-off country , ‘ And all I 'm getting is monosyllables for my trouble !
9 all I 'm getting is a load of racket from you lot
10 Ten thousand I 'm getting carried away !
11 I 'm sure I 'm getting a lot of fumes coming back out er
12 FIGURE 4 I 'm getting somewhere at last and feel quite happy .
13 Then that went when you 're fifteen , I was fifteen I were getting twelve and six .
14 With an instant return to sweet reasonableness , Andrée said , ‘ Admitted that I 've been trying to seduce you , does n't that only go to show how desperate I am to get my way ?
15 No , I 'm not worried I 'm got something .
16 God , to think how chuffed I was to get out of uniform .
17 An almond may be but a simple nut compared with a walnut but at last I was getting close .
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