Example sentences of "[adj] is [verb] because " in BNC.

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1 Give time , cobalt users could develop ways to recycle cobalt from superalloy scrap ( little of this is done because of the industry 's strict purity specifications ) .
2 From Kuhn 's particular point of view , this is mistaken because it ignores the role played by paradigms in guiding observation and experiment .
3 This is mistaken because the charge to revenue accounts does not reflect cash flows , only loan redemptions .
4 This is mistaken because it allows errors to be repeated .
5 This is applied because of the wards , you understand what I mean .
6 It is recognised that the established electoral system does discriminate against third parties securing seats in proportion to votes , but this is defended because of the virtues that are seen as flowing from the fact that the system helps to ensure that just one party has a secure majority in the Commons and is therefore able to form a government without the need for coalition .
7 This is limited because the light from the l.e.d. spreads out and only a fraction of it falls on the detector .
8 This is needed because the triumph over the fear of death is a fundamental human need and without it there will always be this fear looming in the background of the mind .
9 This is used because Saint Francis was supposed to be so gentle that he could actually speak to the birds .
10 This is happening because
11 It must be the responsible adults who decide to place a child thus , with a clear explanation to the young person this is happening because adults will not tolerate such behaviour .
12 No , they wo n't be moving away faster than light is travelling because the theory of relativity says that nothing can move faster than light , but there are certainly things which may be happening now which we shall not learn about for thousands of millions of years because they are so far away .
13 ‘ The process under section 268 is needed because of the difficulty in which the liquidator in an insolvent company is necessarily placed .
14 State provision of toll goods is justified on efficiency grounds if exclusion is relatively costly to enforce or too little of the good is consumed because people are excluded from using a good which is non-rivalrous in consumption .
15 All is allowed because little can be done .
16 The former can do no more than skim the surface of an area which has recently been very heavily mined ; the latter is included because I think that this theory , though recent , is more than a passing fashion and contains some insights into the nature of knowledge .
17 The first is excluded because possession by the chargee will render the asset unusable by the company as security in favour of another creditor ; the second because registration would destroy the negotiability of the instrument ; and the third because these interests arise and disappear quite quickly and registration would be simply too burdensome and provide little new information as those dealing with charterers would normally assume the existence of such charges .
18 Overwhelmingly for economic reasons , that is to say because they were poor .
19 That is happening because the Government will not make local councils representative of and accountable to their electorates .
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