Example sentences of "[adj] it will [adv] " in BNC.

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1 To do this it will frequently be necessary for them to take risks .
2 Ideally the meshes should be 2 nun apart but if your sieve is slightly finer than this it will not matter .
3 Another way of expressing the same idea is that logic is like kicking a ball — it may go in a straight line , but if the direction is wrong it will not help the team to win the game .
4 ‘ Well , since it is of the finest Swiss cotton I 'm afraid it wo n't , my pet .
5 ‘ Yes , but I 'm afraid it wo n't be possible .
6 Here , as elsewhere , heterodoxy was built into the whole conception , as Nietzsche intimated in the letter to Rohde : " I 'm afraid it wo n't look philological ; but who can go against his own nature ? "
7 I 'm afraid it wo n't be so easy , very soon .
8 ‘ It 's near the colonnade — but I 'm afraid it wo n't be in action until the first of May — or possibly the last day in April , ’ he supplied .
9 ‘ I am afraid it will not be a very happy Christmas for you but you will not lose your job , ’ said the judge .
10 She is to me and many others , the best tennis player in the world today , even if she is No 2 it wo n't be long before she is back on top where she belongs .
11 A particularly welcome aspect of the present disc is that Sarah Cunningham presents us with a survey spanning the entire period of the repertoire — as such it will perhaps be more welcome to the non-specialist than the Savall discs .
12 ‘ The paradox of this reform is that despite the abolition of PRT for new fields , and the reduced rate for existing fields , after 1993-94 it will actually raise revenue for the Exchequer , ’ he added .
13 We do n't know how long it will last but we 're convinced it wo n't just be a flash in the pan
14 ‘ Well , if it 's true that I 'm getting younger it 'll probably suit me in that case . ’
15 If it is sloping to the right so much that it is nearly parallel with the diagonal it will never be completed unless drastic action is taken .
16 If it is sloping to the right so much that it is nearly parallel with the diagonal it will never be completed unless drastic action is taken .
17 Not only will it make you and your baby happier it will also help you to have an easier and enjoyable birth .
18 If we 're lucky it wo n't happen again . ’
19 Well she wo n't be very big to begin with , if we get white it wo n't matter if it 's a boy or a girl will it ?
20 Look along the rows of blocks of holes ( marked stitches ) longer than three stitches — if the design has these it will not be suitable for weaving .
21 In a letter made public yesterday MP Robert Key , until recently National Heritage Minister , said : ‘ The Home Office has a number of higher priorities and I understand that in the light of these it will not be possible to introduce the measure on touting into the Criminal Justice Bill . ’
22 If a bird pecks at these it will probably only make a small tear in the edge of the wing and the butterfly may then escape .
23 The converse situation can arise when cold fresh water ( e.g. from a river formed by melting ice ) flows into the sea ; if it is sufficiently cold it will initially remain close to the sea-bed and thus underlie warmer , salt water .
24 A nicely bound A4 format logbook is bound to be more expensive than a tatty exercise book , but as well as being more effective it will also look much more impressive on the chart table or in the bookcase !
25 I 'm sure it wo n't be long before she is on the most popular chat shows , telling us of commissions she has undertaken and regaling us with tales of her life when she was actress Delia Abraham , co-starring in the TV version of Nell Dunn 's Up The Junction , and appearing in rep alongside Kate O'Mara .
26 But how often does a duck need to peek to be fairly sure it wo n't get caught ?
27 I 'm sure it wo n't take senior players as long as that .
28 ‘ I 'm sure it wo n't happen again , George . ’
29 I 'm sure it wo n't have escaped your notice that you do the same thing when you want to run a DOS command , like DIR , COPY , CLS and so on .
30 ‘ It 's not the first time you 've put your life at risk for the sake of a challenge and I 'm sure it wo n't be the last time either . ’
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