Example sentences of "[adj] it be [pron] " in BNC.

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1 well done , I never can get that word out I stumble with it every time and that gets a signal from the brain that says this is a difficult situation this is something I 'm not used to this is some I it 's very primitive it 's it 's from the days in the jungle or whatever er a fear of fright over absolute it 's fight or flight , and that 's why you start breathing quicker because the blood wants more oxygen because it 's ready to run or to fight because the muscles , it is
2 Kitchen , ey it 's tiled li , like this it 's you know , the best way to do them , like in n it
3 This has all been changed I 'm afraid this it 's it 's all in the process of being changed and then inserted into these er these are older packs I 'm getting just using up .
4 Erm I mean if you 're if you feel that I do n't I do n't think you 'd have any problem doing this it 's your it 's your it 's the
5 Michael 's not playing with this it 's your favourite colour
6 I 've got the Graham wanted to well unfortunately Graham this one 's a bit dangerous so I 'm having to do it so if anything goes wrong it 's me that gets it and not you .
7 And er the spoolers think they 're better than us , cos they get higher pay than us , they think it 's er they 're more skilled , it takes them to longer to train to do the job seemingly but they could n't , we have to sort their repairs again if they do anything wrong it 's us that have
8 sort of a figure of speech , but with narrative it 's it was always understood that the words would be spelled out more
9 Many partners make personal commitments to a school , for others they are representing their companies ' commitment to this activity , and for some it is their job .
10 I 'm afraid it 's me . ’
11 But I 'm afraid it 's my job .
12 I 'm afraid it 's my fault — ’
13 You are God until nightfall , I 'm afraid it 's your job to protect them . "
14 ‘ I thought you might wish to know , which is why I enquired of Edita , ’ he replied urbanely , ‘ But I 'm afraid it is nothing more than plain ‘ vepřové řízky plnëné žampióny ’ . ’
15 Something has to break : you are afraid it is you
16 ‘ I 'm afraid it is my duty to search you before you go .
17 ‘ Forgive me , mademoiselle , but I 'm afraid it is my duty to ask whether … that is , if you were … ’
18 ‘ I was afraid it was someone else . ’
19 ‘ A Gnat honours his promise , ’ I told him , and I took his kite down off the racks I was amazed how light it was It was beautiful It was big , silicon black , with scarlet lines , and when I took it outside , the sun flashed rainbows off the shoulder hooks .
20 so show you how old it is I mean now it
21 At the start of the second half , Blissett struck again and at 2-all it was anybody 's game .
22 the stuff that they 're using now is crap it 's nothing like
23 In one case what counts is the ‘ objective positions ’ which ‘ white people ’ as such occupy within the ‘ racist power structure ’ ; in the second it is their socialization , or cultural traditions which racializes their relationships to blacks .
24 Despite these setbacks , which essentially put Intel back on the delivery schedule it first mapped out for Pentium , Unisys is quick to say how delighted it is it chose Intel 's part over any of the RISC technologies .
25 Despite these setbacks , which essentially put Intel back on the delivery schedule it first mapped out for Pentium , Unisys is quick to say how delighted it is it chose Intel 's CISC over any of the RISC technologies .
26 I did tell him how much it was I said sixteen pound sixteen pound for Angela .
27 He 'll be so glad it 's me that knows and it can only bring us closer together .
28 And , like I say , I 'm glad it 's you sorting the stuff .
29 ‘ Oh my friends , I am glad it 's you .
30 Glad it was you who mentioned sex , though .
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