Example sentences of "[adj] in [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I think you did send this in intending it to be a postal application Mr ?
2 I only say this in passing you understand .
3 he 's getting it wrong , you obviously think the media 's getting it wrong in reporting it !
4 Not all meat and dairy products are produced intensively and Singer seems to allow that it we are confident that ours came from animals humanely bred and slaughtered then we are doing nothing wrong in eating it .
5 He felt some shame in digging up long-dead ghosts to torment Vologsky , and a sense of moral wrong in telling him such a bundle of blasphemous untruths .
6 There 's nothing wrong with your legs , so what 's so wrong in showing them off ? ’
7 ‘ I think I have been very wrong in treating you as I have done , Daughter , in the way I brought you up .
8 It was important to learn about , for example , bookselling from experienced booksellers who then , accepting the genuineness of my interest and the possible value of my research , were generous in helping me with it and allowing me to carry out surveys in bookshops .
9 She was er I mean was a pop s ex pop singer , I 'd only just stopped singing a few weeks before I started to work with Sybil and she could not have been more gracious and generous in helping me get through it .
10 The only problem with the job was that I had to work on a lot of Saturdays , which naturally interfered with my athletics , though the company were quite generous in giving me time off .
11 Although I know that my hon. Friend is interested in switching it to the autumn , we have no plans to do that because there are different views about it .
12 Now the old problem arose again : she found herself in new places and she was more interested in exploring them thoroughly than she was in the chick , even though she was at flying weight .
13 Celia had spent part of last week trying to find a publisher who was remotely interested in discussing it .
14 Government legislation has sharply reduced the scope for this , but a number of councils are still interested in developing it as far as they can .
15 And Allison revealed : ‘ Ekstrom only joined Gothenburg on the understanding that he is allowed to talk to other clubs interested in buying him .
16 Well , we 'd like to think that er people , once they 've been introduced to these different sorts of drinks , and become a bit more aware about different sensible levels , would actually be interested in buying them in the future and trying them out themselves .
17 I took it to a couple of shops who just were n't interested and then to Macaris who seemed to be interested in buying it but who were being a bit funny about it to me .
18 But he put me in touch with a chap who was interested in buying it .
19 It is owned by the Rank Organisation and it is understood that bar boss Bary Faulkner , who owns Faulkner 's in the town 's Albert Road , is interested in buying it .
20 I would be far more interested in hearing you talk some more about New York . ’
21 ‘ The guy was a bit of a throwback from the '60s and was more interested in teaching me Wishbone Ash tunes , ’ Friedman recalls , ‘ which was not exactly my thing . ’
22 ‘ Our views are not sought and when we do make our views known , they are not interested in reporting them . ’
23 Play Therapy should be of great use to anyone involved in the care of children who might need counselling , and it would also be interesting reading for anyone working with children or interested in counselling them .
24 ‘ So when I look at the books now and I see all the symbols and all the stuff they do , I think ‘ Well , I 've already played this , and I 'm not really interested in reading it ! ’
25 To approach one , write , giving an outline of the novel , asking if they would be interested in reading it .
26 He was more interested in telling me about the tactics of the attorney general .
27 Trish never asked questions ; she was only interested in telling you things .
28 The woman did n't seem interested in meeting her .
29 ‘ I was intrigued as to what you 're doing and was interested in meeting you .
30 I 'm not interested in meeting you . ’
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