Example sentences of "[adj] and [vb pp] when " in BNC.

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1 It was Li Chao who first suggested I should have a Chinese name and I was both grateful and honoured when in the course of time he gave me the three-character name of Tdong Lao Fu which meant , literally , ‘ Portrait of Happy Man Climbing Mountain ’ .
2 Charlie was already up , washed and dressed when a man with two stripes on his sleeve marched in .
3 She felt much less used and abused when she could distinguish whether his hugs were genuine offers of warmth and love towards her or whether they were his means of asking for something just for himself .
4 A unique oval aft cockpit is dry and protected when sailing and is an excellent area for dining in port .
5 The idea of the futile brave attempt to soften the life up here — for it would have been hard and isolated when the house was built and savage in the winter — trying to set a garden on this soil , in this salt air , appealed to her .
6 This is true of all the special need problems discussed in this book , but particularly so in the case of the mentally ill and handicapped when a breakdown in normal social relationships is often part of the actual disorder .
7 I know it sounds crackers but we preferred it , " said one of the pit brow lasses who started working at the pit when she was fourteen and finished when the women 's work was abolished after nationalisation .
8 His second victim was drugged and raped when she went to see him for advice about work three months later .
9 WITH nearly 20 years of trouble-free driving behind me , I was relatively confident and assured when I switched on the ignition for my first lesson in advanced driving .
10 It is said that as mentally handicapped people can not care for themselves , they will be left lonely and isolated when the parents are dead .
11 They felt safe and protected when they studied .
12 The blinding headaches he had been experiencing in recent weeks were taking their toll , and he looked grey and drawn when he arrived home .
13 Some Westminster wives do mind terribly and get angry and frustrated when their husband fails or resigns . ’
14 Many felt shocked and betrayed when confronted by computer-collected statistics on their productivity .
15 She nodded slightly , and he bent his head to give her a kiss which was meant to be fleeting , but which went on and on until they were breathless and shaken when he put her away from him at last .
16 Cosenza took the lead in the 78th minute with a skilful goal finished off by Negri and three minutes later City were dead and buried when Signorelli snatched a second .
17 The suit , filed in August 1990 and halted when the firm entered Chapter 11 , accused the firm of wrongly giving the PTL ministry a clean audit before it collapsed , and was preventing continuation of L&H 's liquidation .
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