Example sentences of "[adj] and [vb past] from " in BNC.

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1 This move of resources into the community was entirely unplanned and arose from local initiatives .
2 The six other chelas were all illiterate and came from villages .
3 It lies on a prominent gravity high on the east shore of Lough Neagh : perhaps not surprisingly , it found no Carboniferous and passed from Permian into Lower Palaeozoic grits .
4 ‘ Prue ! ’ exclaims Howard , very pleased to hear the familiar impossible voice at such a moment , when he is feeling so raw and exposed from watching himself , and so uncertain whether he is a great man or a great fool .
5 The first three , Transitional , Lancet and Decorated , ran parallel to French development but the last , Perpendicular , was uniquely English and lasted from about 1375 till 1560 .
6 It had been a long , tiring business and his hands were sore and chafed from the ropes .
7 Following quenching of the methylation reaction , the three DNA fractions were located by 3-h autoradiography of the wet gel , excised and eluted from the gel matrix , and recovered by sequential ethanol precipitations .
8 The body emerged in February 1946 and resulted from the actions of Hodge , Rhee and the mysterious M. Preston Goodfellow .
9 In the nature of things a leavening of the poorer husbandmen ( and yeomen , for that matter ) may be presumed to have been elderly and retired from active farming .
10 Their crowns bare and dripped from their feet .
11 She chose the latter and alighted from her carriage as Timothy began to move away .
12 The new Mrs Coleridge was born in Bishop 's Nympton in 1727 and came from a family whose origins were in the Exmoor borderlands of Devon and Somerset .
13 She was in her dressing gown and her face was pink and puffed from crying .
14 A study of crime in London 's inner cities in the 1980s painted a gloomy picture of how ‘ ordinary policing ’ , as it was termed , was fast diminishing , with the police becoming alienated and marginalized from the community and increasingly reliant on high-profile strategies of crime control which destroyed the principle of consensus policing ( Kinsey et al .
15 Nearer the cottage the soldiers had set up an infestation grid , the dull mauve light attracting anything small and winged from the surrounding meadows .
16 In 1854 , Dr John Snow and William Farr assembled demographic statistics on the distribution of deaths from the new vital registration system to demonstrate beyond doubt , and contrary to received opinion , that the disease was water-borne and came from specific sources ( Lewes 1983 ) .
17 Geometric mean dose equivalences for salmeterol 50 µg and 100 µg compared with salbutamol were 4.9 and 7.8 ( mean 6.4 ) for FEV 1 and ranged from 7.1 ( 2.9 to 17.0 ) to 12.6 ( 4.4 to 36.4 ) for heart rate , plasma potassium , and tremor ( mean 9.5 ) .
18 The geometric mean dose equivalences for the 50 and 100 µg doses were 4.9 and 7.8 ( mean 6.4 ) for FEV 1 and ranged from 7.1 to 12.6 ( mean 9.5 ) for heart rate , tremor , and plasma potassium .
19 All the novelists who are to be discussed in this chapter began their writing careers in the 1960s and recoiled from the hegemony of naturalistic modes of fiction .
20 We then moved close and fired from the hip and shoulder in reflex action shooting .
21 The oak refectory table , which sat thirty and came from a monastery in the Tuscan hills , had been moved near the door to the kitchen .
22 She had been beaten and strangled and died from multiple injuries and asphyxia .
23 " If you do n't tell me , I will beat you without mercy , " said the mandarin at last and rose from his chair with the cane in his hand .
24 This unit was formed in 1968 and moved from London to temporary quarters in Edinburgh in 1973 , at first at 13 Braefoot Terrace and later overflowing to accommodation at 9 South St David 's Street .
25 The Prince became fascinated and vanished from sight into the mountain bikes , and it was twenty-four minutes before anyone could extract him and move him on .
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