Example sentences of "[adj] of [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Beattie found that over half of both the filled and unfilled pauses occurred immediately before the beginning of a clause .
2 What we 'll be doing is er organising an exhibition which will come on stream at the museum in the middle of February , and will run until June , and that exhibition will include you know , er all , well , some of the material that , that 's been recorded , such as the , you know , the aural history tapes , er some of perhaps the , the press cuttings and things that have come out of the motorway .
3 There was a bar with no booze and a store , of sorts , where we bought some of almost every item we recognized , including carrots , processed cheese and chocolate , which tasted like cocoa-flavoured sugar .
4 I was reminded of stories about some immigrant Irish who arrived in America in the aftermath of the Great Hunger , bereft of even the basic skills of domestic cookery .
5 Furthermore , the Fairley family considered themselves to be people of consequence and were careful of how the world perceived them .
6 To ensure viability of the organs , pH , PO 2 , and PCO 2 of both the arterial infusate and venous effluent were measured every hour throughout the experiments .
7 Skulls of aliens adorned the banner-hung , tapestried walls , their eyeless sockets forever blinded to the mysteries of those who had mastered them , their hollow craniums empty of even the ghost of a twisted , unhuman thought .
8 We know little of how the Politburo reached its decisions-it did not produce a Richard Crossman — although some information has been provided by members in the glasnost period ( for example it appears that , as in the British Cabinet , formal votes were rarely taken ) .
9 Often the family is disrupted by a split during the sportsman 's upbringing , as in the case of footballer Lennox Smith , who , when aged 16 , had to undergo the turbulence of his father 's leaving ( his case is representative of about a quarter of the black sportsmen I encountered ) .
10 This increasingly disregarded and often despised writer proves rather revealing of how the perverse dynamic disrupts theories of sexual difference like those just examined .
11 One , which includes mosaics of the more specific trend , features many neatly executed arrangements from each of only a handful of sites .
12 Henry Tidbury : Guilty of both the murder of Inspector Drewitt and PC Shorter .
13 Dr Mumby was found guilty of only the first and last charges , for which he was admonished .
14 Although a virtually unknown organisation , its $6 billion a year budget is actually larger than that of either the CIA or NSA .
15 For example , if the futures and spot prices have an equal variance , that is , , and the correlation between movements in the spot and futures prices is zero , = O , then and the basis risk , that is , variance of F - S , is twice that of either the spot price or the futures price .
16 However , a zero correlation is unlikely and , if the correlation between the spot and futures prices is 0.8 ( ) , then the variance of the basis is only 40% of that of either the spot or futures prices , that is , ( ) .
17 There was , therefore , a special mentality about the small businessman , one quite distinct from that of either the working class or the manager of a large organisation , and one which corresponded with the ideology of a master race .
18 Perhaps the most urgent is that of how the elements in ideal-type models relate to actors ' own beliefs about what they are up to .
19 Our accident record is good when judged against that of virtually every other country , and certainly against that of easily comparable European countries .
20 Muddled sixties jargon , lurid colours and ricocheting bullets fly past him , missing him by inches as he enters the flat and yet he is unaware of either the television or his lover in bed .
21 She pulled on her gown , unaware of how the thin silk clung to her still-damp skin .
22 In a way that is all too typical of both the English Left and the English lesbian and gay movement , Positive Images failed to draw on the parallel developments around local government funding of lesbian and gay projects in the USA .
23 In fact , the diamonds we see in jewellers ' windows are typical of only a small percentage of natural diamonds .
24 It is typical of how an older horseman who had in his possession most of the ancient secrets , was able to deal with a situation that had baffled a younger man .
25 This is indicative of how the development of local knowledge is seen by the neighbourhood men as a key measure of their competence and effectiveness , as it was with the section police .
26 It sucked all warmth and courage from his body , leaving him chilled to the bone and fearful of even the smallest movement in the big house .
27 Johnny had made her forgetful of even the most important things .
28 Now there 's a new twist : how come we can know when a missile is even threatening to fall on Tel Aviv or Riyadh or Dharan , yet remain ignorant of when the next train will leave Waterloo station — or where it is heading ?
29 There are very many villages with regular rectilinear plans , and we should perhaps now regard these as planned villages , even if we are ignorant of when the planning took place .
30 At one extreme , some of the more staunch believers , Catholic and Protestant alike , were obsessed with religious questions to a degree which most twentieth-century observers would consider neurotic and obsessional ; in contrast , at the other end of the spectrum , there existed a minority of lay men and women who consistently ignored their legal obligation to attend regular Sunday services and remained extraordinarily ignorant of even the most basic tenets of Christianity .
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