Example sentences of "[adj] day [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Halcyon days indeed but now the trio have broken up and McWilliams after another brief spell in England is back searching around for mounts .
2 They were with Mr Mandela until 10pm , much of the time he and Mrs Sisulu simply recalling their old days together and recounting what they had done all these years .
3 Large numbers of British birds are nesting up to 22 days earlier than normal , possibly reflecting changes in climate as a result of global warming , according to a report by the British Trust for Ornithology .
4 Consumers who were asked to nominate three dates for flying claimed the travel firm handling the offer has now told them the dates must be 30 days apart and to three different destinations .
5 He came home from school some days later and said he had been ‘ thinking very seriously about our situation ’ — he was already beginning to be pompous — and that it was quite obvious that some women were unsuited to a life which held nothing but home and children .
6 Some days later when the forest fire had been brought under control , rescuers arrived to find the charred remains of the brave telegraph despatcher , his finger still on the telegraph key .
7 My problems began some days later when I wanted to change the video mode .
8 We learned some days ago that bags containing Canadian diplomatic mail had been discovered by staff at Wandsworth prison .
9 I said some days ago that I would have difficulty er assisting you in making the choice for for some obvious reasons .
10 She had risen this morning with the intention of going into town and meandering among the shops , perhaps treating herself to a new bonnet , or buying Cissie those pretty boots she had so admired some days ago when the two of them had walked up and down Ainsworth Street , browsing in all the shop-windows ; afterwards , Beth might have called in to the delightful tea rooms at the comer of the boulevard .
11 Having finished loading , Ram stopped to scratch the back of his head , which was rather itchy , and then his elbow , which had been bitten by a mosquito some days earlier but which still itched occasionally .
12 I was informed that British Steel would be making a decision on the day that it made the decision — I was informed in confidence some days before that it would be making a decision on that day .
13 They 'd had a , he had to give evidence he said , you know because , I mean he said a few days previously so they , financial problems as loaded as the family are nobody come to the rescue !
14 She had stopped undertaking her usual tasks within the home , was eating very little and had taken to her bed a few days previously and had not re-emerged .
15 They had thus sighted the continent a few days later than Bellingshausen 's sighting in longitude 2°15' W. Bransfield 's manuscript chart is in the hydrographic department of the Admiralty .
16 It was Brian , chancing to come across it a few days later while looking for some envelopes , who said , ‘ Who on earth are all these people ? ’
17 A few days later while driving him home , she asked him why he 'd hit her and , she alleged , ‘ He went crazy again , punching me so I nearly lost control of the car . ’
18 A few days later before Anne went to work her mother asked her to go for bread .
19 The state of emergency was lifted a few days later after pollution levels had fallen .
20 The SD station at Kitzingen in Lower Franconia , for example , which in its special report directly on the speech had declared that ‘ the rumours about the Führer are presumably disposed of ’ mentioned in its regular report a few days later that some workers had been heard saying that , from the speed and tone of voice , it had not been the Führer himself , but a substitute who had spoken , and Hitler himself had suffered such a shock from Stalingrad that he had to be kept under closely guarded house arrest on the Obersalzberg .
21 She was threatened with that a few days later when she was sweeping the back stairs and her rear view was too much of a temptation for the young footman .
22 These concerns were forgotten a few days later when Diana rose at dawn and travelled to the Lambourn home of Nick Gaselee , Charles 's trainer , to watch him ride his horse , Allibar .
23 Paris could hardly believe its ears a few days later when Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau entered the Salle Pleyel , exactly 40 years after his Parisian début , to sing Die Schöne Müllerin with ( once past the buffeted consonants and fatal eruptions of ‘ Das Wandern ’ ) a mezza voce intact , and a sensitive response to the warmhearted suggesting from the piano of Christoph Eschenbach , that one could hardly believe possible ( and more astounding still in that immense hall ! ) .
24 A few days later when Tess came back from looking for work , the children came running out and danced round her .
25 If , despite this procedure , cannulation subsequently fails , a repeat attempt at cannulation will often be successful a few days later when the oedema has subsided .
26 Andrew Fowler was caught a few days later when police discovered the caravan at the girl 's former home .
27 The same unfortunate landlord returned a few days later as we were playing forfeits , and made no mention of the fact that one person was in a bra and panties with a colander on his head , another had wellingtons on filled to the brim with curdled milk and the rest of us had false moustaches drawn on with an indelible black magic marker .
28 The joke turned against me a few days later as we were preparing to go alongside a ship at Baltic Wharf on the river Crouch .
29 Tony Visconti : ‘ I heard the finished version of ‘ Space Oddity that David had recorded with Gus Dudgeon a few days later and it was great .
30 Eleanor rang him a few days later and he was remarkably cool .
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