Example sentences of "[adj] way the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , I think its effect is to distort in some ways the dualism set up by Proust .
2 Besides , in some ways the change was for the better .
3 Fortunately , some transracial adopters are able to speak for themselves and are therefore able to correct in some ways the folly of others :
4 In fact , in some ways the title , ‘ Paris of the Balkans ’ , was unjust to the diversity of its buildings .
5 In some ways the Linn is a rather old fashioned sounding deck , even to the extent of sounding cold and uncommunicative , and at times it fails to rise completely to the challenge set by the music it is reproducing .
6 Although the standard of service offered by the special clinics is generally fairly high , in some ways the Germans are still in the Dark Ages with regard to the sexually transmitted diseases .
7 Actually the ganglion cells are responsible for preprocessing the information in sophisticated ways before relaying it to the brain , and in some ways the word " interface " does n't do justice to this .
8 In some ways the difficulty was not some ministers ' demanding social solutions to social problems above individual solutions , but the underlying extent of the cultural absorption by Nonconformists discussed above .
9 Some of the newly qualified teachers , perhaps , found some difficulties initially in coping with the wide range of abilities the mixed ability classes presented them with , and in some ways the school was not well provided with in-service support for mixed ability teaching and had to do a lot of their own work in terms of the appropriate methods to choose , the appropriate resources , the appropriate materials to develop .
10 Some of the newly qualified teachers , perhaps , found some difficulties initially in coping with the wide range of abilities their mixed ability classes presented them with , and in some ways the school was not well provided with in-service support for mixed ability teaching and had to do a lot of their own work in terms of the appropriate methods to choose , the appropriate resources , the appropriate materials to develop .
11 Indeed in some ways the proof is rather simpler than Theorem 1 , since it does not need such a complex structure of nested recursions .
12 in some ways the way that people describe things
13 Here it is a different kind of work , we are more lonely and in some ways the work is harder , but for us women as you know , life itself is very hard …
14 In some ways the locals were lucky that Ennex had bought Mogul as the original lease did not require the leaseholders , Mogul , to rehabilitate the area until the lease expired on 1 December 1988 .
15 In some ways the parallel is more with Spain after the death of Franco , than with Russia after the death of the Tsar .
16 In some ways the share price performance has made a deal with one of the US car giants less likely since the numbers have changed quite dramatically .
17 But in some ways the law was worse than it was ten years ago .
18 The concept of Western copyright , in some ways the epitome of capitalist thinking , is somewhat alien to communist ideology as well as to traditional Chinese ideas about knowledge distribution .
19 Units , in some ways the descendants of the free schools ( Francis 1979 , MacBeath 1977 ) , are not seen as alternatives to schools but as supplementary .
20 ‘ When you reach the grand old age of 50 and you realise you have a bit of time on your hands than in some ways the Order is a natural choice , ’ he said .
21 In some ways the dismissal of a single light source can be regarded as a natural consequence of the dismissal of a single viewpoint .
22 In some ways the idea of a coal and steel community took off because people committed to some form of common future for Western Europe occupied positions of authority in several countries : Schuman , Monnet and others in France , Adenauer in West Germany , Alcide de Gasperi and Carlo Sforza in Italy , Paul-Henri Spaak in Belgium , and Joseph Beck in Luxembourg .
23 In some ways the coup is a continuation of the process that brought Fujimori 's political movement to power .
24 In some ways the control is similar to that observed in the cat , in that eye-movement amplitude varied with stimulus intensity .
25 What on earth would people think if Miriam started talking of a gentleman 's natural functions in front of the wedding guests when she and Fleury got married ; in some ways the prospect of such a solecism seemed more terrible to Louise than the possibility of one or both of them not surviving the siege .
26 In some ways the movement of labour between firms might be surprising given the tendency to associate the Japanese labour market with notions of lifetime employment and seniority wages .
27 But in some ways the universities have themselves been subject to a countervailing ‘ vocational drift ’ in the 1980s , as a result of both government pressure and student demand .
28 In parallel experiments the group showed that sensitization , which is in some ways the reverse of habituation ( see Chapters 6 and 7 ) , also involved presynaptic processes , this time requiring an increase in serotonin production and calcium entry into the cells .
29 Planaria also show another form of short-term learning , called sensitization , which is in some ways the antithesis of habituation .
30 And er , so Freud and Bullett say , look if Wilson had all the power at the time , and some ways the world in nineteen eighty to twenty was a bit like what it is today , after the collapse of the Soviet Union , really , you really only got one superpower .
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