Example sentences of "[adj] than on [art] " in BNC.

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1 The West coast route , however , could not be profitable , with 1960s-vintage equipment which cost more to maintain , and it was less reliable than on the East-coast line .
2 If there is any amount of bankside vegetation the task is somewhat easier than on an open bank .
3 When seen in hospital she was far less depressed than on the first occasion and did not feel she needed further help .
4 On the other hand , existence is more placid than on the common law side .
5 He wore his usual air of meticulously contrived casualness , and the shadow of beard round his by no means negligible jaw was a shade more perceptible than on the previous day .
6 The treaty imposed more onerous obligations on the Scots than on the French , but in the spring of 1334 Philip VI invited David II to seek refuge in France , and Philip now began to step up the diplomatic pressure on Edward 11I .
7 The payments on a lease will normally be lower than on a contract allowing for the purchase of the asset , although sometimes the difference is small and then a rebate is made when the term of the contract finishes and the plane is sold .
8 The number densities of craters on the maria are far lower than on the highlands , indicating , as outlined in section 3.3.4 , that the maria surfaces are younger .
9 Here items in short supply are sold at inflated prices — but still generally lower than on the black market .
10 Second , when the discount houses want to " test the water " for an interest rate cut , they might offer paper ½%; lower than on the previous day at the first opportunity ( that is , at 9.45 a.m. or midday ) .
11 They were lovers now , and he preferred today to dwell on that than on the knottier problems .
12 Revisionist work in this area is less advanced than on the events of 1917 itself , but it has begun to unravel the process which led to the rapid breakdown of the broad popular alliance of October , the metamorphosis of the Bolshevik party , and the transformation in the nature of its power .
13 In practice , Rameau 's part-writing works perfectly well on period instruments , especially when we recall that at the Paris Opéra there were many more players on the outer than on the inner parts .
14 This programme will not be transmitted until 8.30am on Sunday , January 10 , 1993 , when the reflection on the Christmas and Epiphany messages , which the script highlights , will seem more appropriate than on a wet November evening .
15 It is also restricted to the tips of the incisors , where it is usually heavier than on the category 1 samples .
16 Amnesty International 's report that this unholy alliance is responsible for at least 2,500 political killings in the past two years demonstrates that the Colombian authorities are more interested in waging a war on the left than on the drug cartels .
17 He seemed more brusque and hostile than on the previous day , a man whose nerves were beginning to fray , a man on whom the pressure was mounting and who had decided to exert some pressure of his own .
18 Although Nizan was in Moscow at the very outset of the Stalinist purges , his gaze was focused less on the national than on the international scene .
19 Village clusters are fewer than on the mainland .
20 At the western end of the Vale of the White Horse in Berkshire dairy farming afforded greater opportunities to smallholders , and poor labouring folk were far fewer than on the Downs .
21 At the pavement 's edge Joseph stood surveying the crowd with fascinated eyes ; in Cholon 's narrower streets , Europeans were far rarer than on the boulevards of Saigon , and the vast majority of the faces were Chinese .
22 Even excluding bonuses , British top managers beat their French , German and Dutch counterparts with a 12.1 per cent hike in basic pay ( although their real increases — 5.1 per cent — were not much larger than on the continent ) .
23 The maple veneer ceilings were divided into four panels with designs in the corners ( less elaborate than on the Brush cars ) .
24 You can talk personally better than on the phone .
25 Inside Bellavista life is even cheaper than on the streets of Medellin .
26 With literally hundreds of places to eat , drink and make merry , not to mention the theatres , ballet and galleries , it 's no wonder Düsseldorf is known as ‘ Petit Paris ’ ( but a beer here is a lot cheaper than on the Champs Elysees ! )
27 Because Economy 7 makes electric water heating very cheap — much cheaper than on the Domestic General Tariff .
28 Tonight Tesco insisted its own survey 's had shown its prices to be constitently cheaper than on the continent .
29 If there is a lunar-wide crust then one explanation of the offset of the centre of mass from the centre of figure is that the crust on the far side is , on average , thicker than on the near side .
30 They perhaps entered by the route of Kamchatka and Alaska , where the climate , even now so much milder and more equitable than on the north-east coast of America , might have been warm enough in late Pliocene times to have allowed the migration of these animals .
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