Example sentences of "[adj] than [v-ing] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm carrying you because you need to get back into the warmth as fast as possible , and this is quicker than letting you walk by yourself . ’
2 ‘ And that would be quicker than starving them ? ’
3 A project in which the children 's desire to acquire information will engender high motivation would seem a far more appropriate way of achieving this than putting them through special library lessons , divorced from any meaningful context .
4 Giving credit for extended periods is always more risky than giving it for shorter periods .
5 And h let him realize that he 's remembering these , and it 's easier than looking it up every time .
6 This is easier than doing it with numbers , any day .
7 This is much easier than keeping them in piles in a cupboard or closet .
8 It seemed easier than confronting her in their bedroom .
9 This is what you can do : if he comes too close and narrows the gap , step to the side and extend it again ; a gentle touch to his arm is more emphatic than asking him to stop .
10 THERE is nothing more humiliating than loving him so much that you forgive the infidelities .
11 Better that than learning it from my visitors or this evening 's paper , I suppose they thought .
12 cost you far more getting it like that than saying we 'll support you
13 You , you know how I feel , I mean er Rob does a lot of good work but he keeps it all to himself and we 've got ta be bigger than keeping it to ourselves , it 's everybody 's responsibility vocational education from right down from year seven right the way across the board , they 've got ta
14 This is obviously far more satisfactory than leaving it to a widely dispersed class of persons each of whom may lack the skill , interest and financial resources required if he is to take action on his own .
15 Which is probably better than getting them all at the same time .
16 There was sex , of course , but although both of them were extremely interested in sex , and enjoyed nothing better than discussing it , neither of them , if the truth be told , was quite so interested in actually having it , or at any rate in having it very frequently .
17 Better than shoving him in a creche in n it ?
18 Separating sheep from goats within a school was little better than separating them into different schools .
19 much better than backing it to win and it comes second .
20 pull it up , well they might leave it and just co disconnect it but they they 'd have to bring it in , I do n't it 'd be better I think if we had ours in the back because the , the telephone thing comes in from the back be better than having it in the , in the passage really .
21 Better than rolling them out .
22 That 's better than letting it drag and drag ; you lose a lot of the vibe that way .
23 It was not ideal , it was not what he had anticipated , far from it , but it was better than abandoning it to Adam .
24 I 've er , I 've lost about a stone in a couple of months or so , that 's all , but it 's er better than gaining I suppose .
25 Well it 's better than making it all up .
26 Sorry we just thought it 's better than carrying her around .
27 Rowland moves outside the establishment — in fact , he likes nothing better than upsetting it .
28 ‘ Take it from me , kid — ambushing 's a lot better than smacking him in the snout .
29 Some manufacturers ( particularly of mass-produced goods ) do not take this point , and are happy to replace goods ( it is cheaper than repairing them ) until the buyer is satisfied .
30 and it 's cheaper than ordering it off the catalogue .
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