Example sentences of "[adj] could not [be] " in BNC.

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1 The siege lasted almost a year , ; Philip VI put in an appearance with a relieving army at the beginning of August 1347 but he came to the conclusion that the English could not be dislodged and went away again .
2 It has , however , been argued that certain fundamental Acts of Parliament such as the Act of Union with Scotland 1707 and the European Communities Act 1972 could not be repealed as , in each case , Parliament which enacted the provision is no longer in existence in the same form but has reconstituted itself as a less powerful body .
3 This could n't be possible , surely ?
4 I sank into the leather armchair and thought to myself that this could n't be real ; I would wake up soon .
5 But this could n't be helped if I was serious about training Dawn , which I was .
6 This could n't be happening .
7 Surely this could n't be the woman he had seen earlier ?
8 This could n't be jealousy , she told herself .
9 This could n't be true , I thought , as the man inserted the chisel into my mouth and poised the mallet ; but all doubts were erased as the metal rod thudded against the remnants of my tooth and my head in turn shot back into the little WAAF 's bosom .
10 This could n't be true .
11 This could n't be Romano de Sciorto , her mother 's friend , the man who 'd invited her out here to Malta …
12 This could n't be happening .
13 This could n't be happening , could it ?
14 One opposition leader , Mr Jacek Kuron , rendered the hardest-boiled judgment : ’ This could n't be happening if they did n't want it to happen .
15 I just wonder erm , if this could n't be helped if you like , by increasing them rather than decreasing them , taking over perhaps some of the , not absolutely statutory , but some of the extra use of staff , and I do n't know if it 's possible , but at the moment I worry because some of the homes are only being inspected and visited by members anyway .
16 But no , this could n't be the end .
17 This could n't be !
18 This could n't be happening !
19 This could n't be true .
20 And I should also mention that this could n't be possible without the generosity and help of Percy and a sincere thank you Percy .
21 Surely this could n't be just another flash boneshaker .
22 This could not be more different from the cruel flinging of Mary Vetsera 's body by Rudolf in the Mayerling pas de deux with which MacMillan describes the Count 's tragic mental state .
23 He then drifted gloomily away , noting that this could not be ‘ an open-ended matter that you do in an idealistic whim ’ .
24 This could not be happening .
25 This could not be handled via temporary exception from part of the National Curriculum , referred to earlier ( see p. 118 ) , because a ‘ general direction ’ can only be issued if the head teacher considers that it is inappropriate for the child to follow the National Curriculum and in his opinion that situation is likely to change within six months .
26 ‘ Billykins , ’ she said ( surely this could not be the woman 's name ? ) ,
27 Who told you that this could not be ?
28 This could not be as our drug supplies were not coming through so well .
29 It was plain that this could not be regarded as a trust of the estate in favour of her sister , who was coheir , since the testator wanted not to dispose of his own money but on the pretext of advice to derogate from her rights by prohibiting her from making a will .
30 When a young worker offered one group the fact that in Germany workers had been given training to help people see themselves as not being ‘ simply cogs in a wheel ’ , it was suggested that this could not be done in Britain .
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