Example sentences of "[adj] when [pron] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 But knowledge develops unevenly ; Dewey 's luck was not so conspicuous when it came to , say , radio engineering , where relatively simple new subjects end up with a classification symbol of twelve digits or more .
2 Some of them got religious or went barmy I seem to remember , but the point is they were all different when they came back .
3 Presumably its ancestors were not so different when they shared the marine habitat with the trilobites .
4 I did n't want to be different when we went to the dance . ’
5 No , it just look different when you took them off
6 And er that was a very interesting period because it was nineteen thirty nine and of course the , what the , my impressions of America were quite different when you got there , from er what er their er impressions of the world situation were .
7 Another friend who had known him since his teens said : ‘ He was different when he came out , he scared people .
8 Butler was , perhaps , not saying anything so very different when he observed that ‘ equal educational opportunity is not identical educational opportunity ’ .
9 ‘ When we dragged Cpl Edwards out of his seat the back of his head had been blown off — but I still thought he would be OK when we got him to hospital .
10 He was usually OK when he came to work . ’
11 I was OK when I woke up , but when I remember Marie 's gone I start feeling sad .
12 With large numbers this can cause even worse handling and registration problems than for paper , and even , perhaps , extra complications if a disk turns out to be corrupt ( ‘ It was OK when I handed it in . ’ )
13 Deane was a bit quiet , well marshalled by the Arsenal donkeys , and Wallace was quite lively when he came on .
14 PLAYER : We never really got going — it was getting quite interesting when they stopped it .
15 We were not very popular when we came down to the sitting-room .
16 Overseas Mission was not so popular when we realized the heathen were nearer than we thought .
17 This method was not popular when she had to employ an auditor ! )
18 But she looked grave when she noticed Omar and Darren and the cornflakes .
19 Travis 's eyes were gleaming with mischief , though his face was grave when he looked at Paige .
20 The dump was of course strictly off-limits for all except armaments personnel , and I ca n't say it was very exciting when we got there .
21 It got broken when I dropped everything last night .
22 ‘ Your grandmother must have been very young and very brave when she married , ’ I said .
23 We are quite clear , and we were clear when we conducted the talks this summer , that they were not peace talks because they would not bring an end to the violence , but were one of the pressures that can be mounted against the terrorists .
24 It was clear when we arrived at Heathrow airport that security was very tight .
25 If the roads were clear when they came out of the meeting they would travel back that night .
26 The main thrust of Thatcherite social and economic philosophy was far from clear when she took office in May 1979 , so entrenched were key figures of the Heathite past in the party ; but the general thrust would clearly lie in pursuing the monetarist approach of the Chicago economist , Milton Friedman , in which control of the money supply through M3 indicators , and identifying inflation rather than unemployment as the central enemy , were the fundamental themes .
27 Wakeham had made it clear when he took over from Younger as her team manager that the campaign must be conducted more vigorously , with Cabinet ministers taking a much more active part in it .
28 It is not precisely clear when he knew of the extra cases .
29 It all seemed so clear when he appeared on the Frost programme two days before the Leader of the Opposition 's visit to Luigi 's restaurant .
30 Richard Baxter had already made his position clear when he stopped preaching the previous May soon after the Act had received royal assent .
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