Example sentences of "[adj] take [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For example , if you are catching the ball in front of the body , then you have the freedom to throw the ball in any direction but if you catch the ball behind the body , you still have to come back to the position to the front of the body and to do this takes more time .
2 This takes medical ideology to an extreme point .
3 Draw in a little air to release the flavours — this takes some practice , and do n't worry about making slurping noises !
4 As you might imagine , this takes some time and is also completely mental .
5 Del , and this takes some saying , is easier on the ear .
6 Eagles , with the elements in their favour in the opening half took full advantage , killing the game by building up a 20–0 advantage with the help of two tries from Price and six goals from eight attempts from Aston .
7 A few took local accommodation but most of us camped in the castle 's magnificent park .
8 Because the questionnaire was conducted in strict confidence some took this opportunity to express their thoughts .
10 Explaining this took some doing .
11 This took some doing , as they seemed prepared to stay all night .
12 All this took some time and he was not a particularly military figure at the end of it .
13 On the battlefield the English took vast plunder .
14 The English took little note of the fantasy before about 1585 ; the favourite form was still the ‘ In nomine ’ .
15 The rising created an atmosphere of disorder in which those with grievances felt free to take violent action against their enemies .
16 This dominance in modern times is attributed by Hayek to the success of the Philosophical Radicals of the nineteenth century in replacing the ideal of government under law with the ideal of a government controlled by a popular assembly and free to take any action of which that assembly approved .
17 Andrew had every right to assume he was free to take another wife . "
18 Confronted by her misdemeanours , as he ended 28 years in prison , Mr Mandela observed with dignity that if his wife was in trouble it was because he had not been free to take proper care of her .
19 She had sensed the undercurrents in the room at the time , but had been too tense and afraid to take much notice .
20 Whether one names this position absolutism or relativism may be left to the reader 's discretion , but it is neither the absolutism which ascribes unconditional authority to universal standards ( 'It is wrong to take human life even in self-defence' ) nor the relativism which is neutral between judgements of a particular act ( ‘ You think Hitler was right to massacre them , I think he was wrong .
21 It is easier to take moral instruction from a character in a book than think it out oneself .
22 So erm in that sense ah perhaps it 's a bit easier to take some sort of action .
23 I found it interesting to take one person , say the rector , Charles Henstock , and make him the chief character in one book and follow his fortunes , as I had in the first book about the great Mrs Curdle .
24 Salvation could only be sought with a leader who possessed personal power and was prepared to take personal responsibility , sweeping away the causes of the misery and the faceless politicians and bureaucrats who prevail over it , and seeming to impose his own personal power upon the force of history itself .
25 information somebody might die because he 'd been too slow , or there 's been a delay in transmission , or there 's been a fault in the transmission and he 's not prepared to take that responsibility .
26 Central government was not prepared to take that gamble , but was happy to see the localities take it .
27 THE LEADER of the Scottish Prison Officers Association hinted yesterday that his members were prepared to take industrial action against any move by the Government to privatise the prison service in Scotland , writes Eric McKenzie .
28 Unless she was prepared to take second place in his life .
29 They told Mr Adams they welcomed the statement that Sinn Fein was committed to work towards ‘ bringing the conflict to an end ’ and that he was ‘ prepared to take political risk ’ .
30 We pray for the next generation of ministers in the church and ask that you will be raising up men and women who are prepared to take pastoral responsibility for your people , as missionaries and as ministers .
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