Example sentences of "[adj] if i did " in BNC.

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1 I can ask you to accept that I should n't have come to you like this if I did not believe that the matter may turn out to be very grave indeed .
2 It would be wrong if I did not correct the inaccuracies that are contained within the letter .
3 I could have hugged my Mum that day for saving the harmonium but I was afraid if I did she would push me away .
4 I did go down to my local Citizens ' Advice Bureau to see if they had any ideas , but all they could do was pass on the news that there was a squeeze on the social fund ( the emergency payments fund ) , so I was well advised not to expect too much if I did decide to try the social security people .
5 ‘ Would you mind very much if I did n't come ? ’
6 ‘ I could almost think she were real if I did n't know better , but unfortunately for you and your tales my detective is an expert .
7 I 'd be bored if I did n't have it to do .
8 It would only be possible if I did n't love you , but I do . ’
9 I 'm sorry if I did wrong . ’
10 Sorry if I did n't sound too keen at first .
11 But all he said was , ‘ I have n't wanted to hurt you , and I 'm sorry if I did .
12 I 'm sorry if I did .
13 I am sorry if I did not reply .
14 Well , I 'm terribly sorry if I did n't add another notch to your bedpost , but look on the bright side — at least I saved you the bother of having to come up with a nice little farewell speech at the end of it all .
15 ‘ Well , I 'd feel strange if I did n't hear it , put it that way .
16 ‘ At one time they 'd have thought it odd if I did n't have a girl in tow .
17 Or rather it would be a bit dishonest if I did n't .
18 ‘ Of course I feel bitter , it would n't be natural if I did n't . ’
19 ‘ Dana would be happier if I did leave , ’ Claudia said , knowing she spoke the truth .
20 er I 'm not sure if I did n't
21 ‘ Robert did n't say I must go back to work after the baby ’ , Lucy told me , ‘ but he began to be reluctant about switching on electric fires and looking disapproving if I did ’ .
22 I saw he would feel better if I did , as if paying money would somehow excuse the act .
23 I knew , given the atmosphere Jean-Claude was creating , that it would be better if I did not wonder aloud why , in a civilized country like France , the poor were not looked after better .
24 He asked whose side I was on , and when I told him I was strongly opposed to Bodyline he said he thought it would be better if I did not go on with it .
25 ‘ It might be better if I did , but I could n't do it , not once I 'd seen you sitting here .
26 ‘ as if contending with the elements were not enough , ’ Matthau recalled , ‘ Barbra kept asking Gene whether he did n't think it would be better if I did this on this line , and that on the other , etc , etc- and I told her to stop directing the fucking picture …
27 I think these 'd probably be better if I did them on the one you suggested for
28 It might help if I did , but would still be effective if I did not .
29 ‘ He rewards me — I owe him my life — he would kill us all if I did not — how many answers do you want me to give you ? ’
30 So when I was actually pregnant , although it would be fairer on me and the baby and everybody concerned if I did have an abortion , he made me know that he did n't really want me to have one .
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