Example sentences of "[adj] if [not/n't] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Most people would agree that bodily examination and tactile contact are inadvisable if not ethically impermissible at this time ; beyond this the only consideration may be the worker 's conscience and departmental policy .
2 Although many of his lyrics have been in the sexist style known as slackness ( ironically , incredibly popular amongst women in Jamaica ) Shabba has also rhymed on cultural if not overtly political topics .
3 Rolling over was a painful if not too difficult manoeuvre , but , even with Travis helping all he could , it was an exhausting process trying to find his pocket and reach into it when she could only go by touch .
4 He may well have lost customers ; and even those he retained would no doubt have been despondent if not positively angry at what they were having to pay .
5 It lay across the most direct if not always the quickest route to Normandy ; in peace , wine and wool crossed the county , adding significantly to its wealth .
6 After all , when the little information that does exist about disabled artists is often patronising if not actually offensive , there will be a strong incentive to keep this side of one 's life somewhat hidden .
7 the Capriccio recording is fractionally the more detailed if not quite as atmospheric as the new Virgin , which lends a warmer sound to the instrumental support that many listeners may well prefer .
8 As with many aspects of any redistributive exercise , sensitivity calculations are an acceptable if not always convincing way forward .
9 Nevertheless , The Scotsman 's impressive survey of values among young people this week has produced some interesting if not particularly comforting facts .
10 They found him interesting if not always politically correct .
11 Since the tomato , being a member of the Solanaceae tribe which includes also the poisonous nightshades , was long regarded as a dangerous if not actually deadly fruit ( the potato and the aubergine , also of the Solanaceae family , have in their time suffered from the same associations ) presumably the mixture of vinegar and spices used in the early sauces were regarded as safety-devices against the possibly toxic effects of the fruit itself .
12 It was humid if not particularly warm , and he was stripped to the vest .
13 But the Thatcherite counter-revolution is much more all-encompassing : it is an assault on social democracy and all that that term entails , just as much if not more so than on simply ‘ taking out ’ pockets of resistance in specific local areas .
14 But in the UK there is also as much if not more local and regional co-ordination as there is at national level .
15 ‘ I went to class to meet friends , dancing was secondary and the social side was as much if not more important to me as competition . ’
16 This month , you look set to be especially colourful if not spectacularly successful .
17 The gulls were in good voice , however , soaring and shrieking overhead in a fickle , shifting breeze , and Harry was surprised how contented if not downright happy he felt , sitting in the shelter nearest the clock and gazing out at the white horses in the bay .
18 He followed this with two good 40s against England A to add to his agile if not entirely flawless ‘ keeping ’ .
19 This interest has kept the Mannheimian tradition alive if not exactly thriving and it seems as if every few years there is a revival of interest .
20 Then , as if at a given signal , they all take flight and head across the voe to their roosting places in the sea caves , where they spend the night , dry if not very warm !
21 Magnificence is admirable if not always comprehensible , humility is very unattractive to the modern Western mind .
22 But the ways of Clough are complex and , to the outsider , often strange if not downright perverse .
23 Nosewheel steering is light and the brakes are satisfactory if not particularly powerful .
24 He took the view that erm religious beliefs are highly improbable if not demonstrably false , as judged from the scientific standpoint .
25 Simon Lang examined books in the context of the leisure market , and the news from the Henley Centre was encouraging if not entirely good .
26 I have also stressed that research is a powerful tool but like all sharp instruments can do harm as well as good if not properly used .
27 If it is true that some of them are not quite what they were — and even this grasped-at straw is no more than speculation — we may rest assured that the successor generation brought on tour to breathe down their necks will be as good if not better .
28 They are fast-moving , colourful , noisy , and as good if not better than anything you can buy for home computers .
29 Run on commercial lines or by organizations like housing associations , the YMCA or religious denominations , the best of these are as good if not better than college halls of residence .
30 We 've designed to modern standards which means there 's less space but the properties are as good if not better than similar properties in the private sector
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