Example sentences of "[adj] problem was [pron] " in BNC.

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1 In Plumb 's opinion , ‘ What closed their minds to the historical problem was its absence . ’
2 This problem was one that was confronting the brothers as they sat one late night at Rafferty 's after everyone had gone .
3 Another problem was what to call the Club .
4 Another problem was his feathers : he was n't growing down quickly enough and he was always shivering , so Maureen made him a little coat out of cotton wool .
5 The second problem was her aversion to handing out money to charity ; although she enjoyed being able to help specific ventures in a practical way she hated the idea of charity balls or making large cash handouts .
6 A more serious problem was what to do with the soldiers who , now accustomed to fighting and to war 's many attractions , were finding themselves without an occupation .
7 It has recently been pointed out by Dr J. R. Studd that ‘ one of [ the Lord ] Edward 's greatest problems was his inability to settle lands from his appanage [ of Gascony and the isle of Oléron ] on those who gave him loyal service in a traditional way ’ .
8 The principal cause of New Zealand 's economic problems was its failure to respond quickly enough to the post-war decline in prices for agricultural commodities , which constituted almost two-thirds of exports .
9 A major problem was what to include in the Bill and what to leave out .
10 Her only problem was her coach 's lack of understanding of the problem of spasticity .
11 The only problem was it had to incorporate Wings … ’
12 The only problem was he had never handled a plane or a chisel in his life .
13 was a great man but the only problem was he left a vested interested in the National Health Service and that 's coming to the fore .
14 ‘ The only problem was there was no product to remix !
15 The only problem was my work .
16 Our first problem was one the water was quite cold and so everyone had to find a wet suit to fit them , which caused a slight problem .
17 Clearly the biggest problem was what to do about the tour , scheduled to leave Oxford at 9.30 a.m. bound for Stratford-upon-Avon .
18 The other potential problem was what would happen to Gloucester 's authority after the young king 's coronation , but even this seems to have been settled to the duke 's advantage and John Russell , in his draft speech for the opening of parliament , assumed that Gloucester would remain in overall control — although he clearly also felt that this was a departure from precedent which needed to be justified .
19 The other potential problem was what would happen to Gloucester 's authority after the young king 's coronation , but even this seems to have been settled to the duke 's advantage and John Russell , in his draft speech for the opening of parliament , assumed that Gloucester would remain in overall control — although he clearly also felt that this was a departure from precedent which needed to be justified .
20 In a sense , then , women 's main problem was their own attitude ( albeit an attitude fostered by the education system and the media ) ; if only women would stop wanting to become housewives and start wanting to become lawyers or doctors instead , the problem would end .
21 The next problem was who should go to the hotel to act as a witness .
22 The whole problem was one which drew some fine theatre from Shakespeare in Henry V .
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