Example sentences of "[adj] world [noun sg] [art] " in BNC.

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1 During the Second World War a nudist village for evacuee naturists was set up twenty miles outside London .
2 Immediately following the nationalisation of the coal-mines in Britain at the end of the Second World War a team of social scientists from the Tavistock Institute in London began an extensive series of studies of work organisation in that industry .
3 In the period of technological innovation following the second world war a group of human relations specialists , working from the Tavistock Institute in London , noted that the social behaviour of workers and their organisational structure in groups and teams was influenced by the technical systems associated with that work .
4 During the Second World War a similar problem arose with regard to the publication of Alexander Ratcliffe 's Truth about the Jews , brought out by the British Protestant League .
5 Indeed during the Second World War a British officer of some distinction , Fitzroy Maclean , had actually arrested Zahedi on grounds he had been intriguing with German agents .
6 Just after the Second World War a village was sentenced to death by planners who called it a rural slum .
7 Just after the Second World War a film crew made a documentary about life in rural England .
8 With the Second World War the system started to creak .
9 After the Second World War the economic prosperity brought by the long postwar boom , and the apparent popularity of the Attlee government 's welfare reforms , allowed the paternalist orientations of Eden , Butler , and Macmillan to flourish , attenuated by the ‘ stops ’ forced by Britain 's ongoing balance-of-payments problem .
10 After the Second World War the comfortable , leisured life cushioned with a decent income from stocks and shares was hit both by inflation and the liquidation of Britain 's foreign assets .
11 After the Second World War the pottery moved to Tingewick , the Keyes family house , where it continues under the aegis of Phyllis 's great-niece , Sara Johnson .
12 Since the Second World War the motor industry has gone on and on growing , undeterred even by two oil shocks which sent the price of petrol soaring .
13 The industrial-chemicals division gives a host of reasons why it should stay with ICI : synergies with other parts of the group ; benefits from research ( after the second world war the by-products from the dyestuffs industry became , by chance , raw materials for the pharmaceuticals business ) ; the strength of the ICI name ; and so on .
14 During the second world war the plant kept 19,000 people busy ( assembling , among other things , Barnes Wallis 's bouncing bombs for the dam-busters ) .
15 A paediatrician 's son , Harry Neubauer was born in 1932 at Karlsbad , Germany , but during the Second World War the family found refuge in Newcastle upon Tyne .
16 During the Second World War the island was invaded by the Axis powers and , after Marshal Badoglio 's armistice with the Allies in September 1943 , thousands of Italians were killed and captured by the Germans .
17 During the Second World War the house was empty until taken by an elderly lady , Mrs Fullerton , whose son was grown up .
18 In the chaos following the Second World War the travel agent had some extraordinary assignments .
19 During the Second World War the King of Saudi Arabia , Abdul Aziz , managed to convince both the British and the Germans that he was on their side .
20 Between the wars the Longhorn became valued for its large size and late maturity but after the Second World War the fashion in Britain swung to smaller , earlier maturing breeds .
21 Since the Second World War the Sussex has become a stronger colour-marker , much neater of shoulder than the powerful draught type of old , shorter in the leg and better in the hindquarters , and it still produces lean , marbled meat , especially in the prime cuts .
22 The Danes are traditional dairy cattle breeders , but since the Second World War the dairy herds have followed the British trend towards fewer , larger units and a certain amount of land has become available for beef-rearing on a minor scale .
23 During the Second World War the Germans used coal gasification to make syn-gas which was then used to make oil in a process developed by two chemists named Fischer and Tropsch .
24 Since the Second World War the family has entered the international arena by its contributions to multi-racial education in Africa , by establishing the International Students ' House in London for students from overseas , and by founding the Michael Wills Scholarships at Oxford University to replace the Rhodes Scholarships which had been discontinued for Germans in 1939 .
25 Requisitioned by the Home Office at the start of the Second World War the Manor provided accommodation for the Canadian Air Force who flew from the nearby air base of RAF Linton .
26 The race continued throughout the war years , though during the Second World War the distance was cut to fifteen miles .
27 During the Second World War the house and many other parts of the village were requisitioned .
28 During the Second world War the centre span of the old swing bridge was removed by the Royal Engineers so that they could practise making Bailey bridges against the tide .
29 During the Second World War the Portuguese Government tried to insist that only neutral ships be used , but this was often ignored .
30 After the Second World War the paper came under the Information Office ( later renamed the public Relations Office ) whose policy was to explain and promote the achievements and aims of the territory 's government .
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