Example sentences of "[adj] might [verb] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Government in not allowing them passports until 1985 might have protected the children at a crucial time in their development .
2 But they must be for ever content to owe to the English that elegance and culture , which , if they had been vigilant and active , perhaps the English might have owed to them . ’
3 The English might have created the form of Irish oppression , Engels wrote in 1848 , but the poverty was due to the temperament of the people .
4 Wolski 's defences had crumbled and what some might have called a breakdown was the beginning of his recovery to the kindly determined man , or nearly man , he had been before Sobibor .
5 Well , yes , it would be hard not to , but it was n't as bad as some might have said .
6 Had they not had such a resource at their disposal some might have had to forego particular orders , others might have been obliged to withdraw entirely from certain markets , whilst still others would have been less willing to innovate with new products offering chances of survival or expansion .
7 As one might expect , given the two-sided nature of the debate and the legislation that grew out of it , his closing speech was not the singularly ‘ permissive ’ one some might have expected :
8 From the title , some might have expected Lilley to give an indication of his hopes for revival in the near future .
9 That experience , that some might have taken as a manifestation of great love , I took as a warning in much the same way as a sentinel on the walls of Roman must have shouted : ‘ Take cover , here comes Attila ! ’
10 Some might have taken him for a mere apprentice enchanter who had run away from his master out of defiance , boredom , fear and a lingering taste for heterosexuality .
11 Some might have walked away , but that would not be Charleston 's style .
12 For example , a student chosen might have had to overcome some specific learning difficulty to gain success in modules ; another might have achieved success despite little previous exposure to formal further education .
13 Perhaps they had thought such a warning from one soldier to another might have seemed an impertinence .
14 This might have led to the charges being dropped , or alternatively might have considerably strengthened the case for the prosecution .
15 Later on this might have led to complaints about the possibility of corruption ; at the time it was simply seen as evidence that politicians were committing themselves fully to their work .
16 Any sense of importance this might have invoked was quelled by pure funk — in Hoomey 's case , at least — of what lay ahead .
17 This might have shored up the dollar for a time had the US balance of payments improved as expected .
18 This might have coloured your attitude to the work , and be relevant when you want to make a fresh start :
19 There was no rope connecting one with the other but this might have disintegrated completely over the years .
20 This might have involved a change in the preamble to the Macedonian constitution , which refers to something expansionist-sounding that was said in 1944 ; but that would have been it .
21 There was a trend towards more intestinal pain in the women with hysterectomy and this might have become significant with larger numbers of subjects .
22 This might have made sense when all Council decisions that mattered were passed on the basis of unanimity .
23 However , the galaxies would also have had some small sideways velocities , and this might have made it possible for there to have been an earlier contracting phase of the universe , in which the galaxies might have come very close together but somehow managed to avoid hitting each other .
24 This might have stemmed from inadequate foundations , but what evidence there is suggests otherwise .
25 For those who regard ethnic origin as an important part of the explanation , this might have seemed odd , for Lenin was , despite recent disputes , solidly Russian , whereas much of the intellectual leadership of the rest of European Social Democracy was drawn from minorities — Rosa Luxemburg was Polish and Jewish , Piatakov was Ukrainian , Bauer and Karl Kautsky were Austrian and Jewish etc .
26 This might have seemed merely the occupational hazard of the self-indulgent restaurateur , but for a manic edge contributed by the tightly-curled crop of hair , the thin cigar drooping from his wide mouth and the garishness of a turquoise tie standing out against a black suit and matching shirt .
27 This might have seemed odd , coming as it did less than a week after Franco 's bellicose public references to Gibraltar .
28 For anyone else this might have seemed ample funds for an expedition , but for Gould , the cautious man of commerce , even this nest-egg had to be used sparingly .
29 His parent did not force him to attend and he now feels this might have brought scorn from other members of the community .
30 And this might have got them far enough and therefore they so the movement is , is not gon na go on from there , it 's stopped because the peasants have achieved everything they wanted to achieve .
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