Example sentences of "[adj] need [noun] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 These needs will have to take into account factors such as the governing body 's statutory responsibility for implementing the National Curriculum and the points about employment rights made later .
2 The report describes the guidance as ‘ unhelpful ’ , as it has left SSDs wondering whether recording unmet need will plunge them into costly judicial reviews .
3 R is not helpful to talk of ‘ the manager 's ’ needs for external information and intelligence , because , clearly , those needs will differ greatly depending on the manager 's specific role : corporate treasurer , product development manager , research and development scientist , marketing executive etc. , and particularly the specific contexts in which those roles are exercised .
4 Physical needs Politicians have been persuaded to divulge secrets through sex .
5 Records of assessed need will form a large part of the monitoring process but this wide-ranging report makes it clear that there are several other factors to watch .
6 Clearly , blind pupils will be those who depend on tactile and auditory means of learning , and they will require specialised equipment and additional elements in their curriculum such as braille , mobility and orientation , but other aspects of their educational needs will include careful consideration of language development , concept formation , social interaction and information processing .
7 The NCC tried to discourage the practice : ‘ planning for participation by pupils with special educational needs will minimise the need for detailed statutory modification or exemption to be written into statements ’ ( NCC 1989b : para. 10 ) .
8 A small proportion of pupils with special educational needs will have statements made under the Education Act 1981 to specify the educational and other provisions necessary to meet these .
9 would it become insular to your own needs Kevin do n't you ?
10 The authors acknowledged that ‘ … new needs will come to be recognised and new legal remedies will come to be developed , ’ but asserted that ‘ … at any time there will be some problems which are clearly perceived by lawyers or lay [ people ] as more ‘ legal ’ than others . ’
11 Though the system has now been modified for some years , local authorities still play a crucial role in the shaping of the local environment by , for example , forecasting the need for roads for travel to work or leisure , and thus plan on the basis of that need Planners seek to influence behaviour , for example , by deciding that particular zones will be devoted to industrial estates , others to shopping centres and residential use in order to harmonise traffic movement and so on .
12 Special needs groups concentrate on the disabled .
13 A unique clinic has opened where children with special needs will receive acupuncture and counselling .
14 In the section on special needs the report notes that in 45 per cent of schools pupils are withdrawn for group lessons concentrating on basic language and numeracy , while in the other 55 per cent of schools special needs teachers work alongside the subject teachers in the normal classroom setting .
15 As it is vital that all children have access to the rich curriculum and to the kind of experiences that involve pupils with purpose it must be desirable that , at times , the special needs teachers work alongside mainstream class teachers .
16 Special needs post-holders have in this way been able to develop their consultation skills with teachers , while educational psychologists who have begun to extend their remit in this way have found this to be a realistic way of meeting the supporters ' own need for ongoing support .
17 Each application is looked at carefully to make sure that those in most need will receive the service .
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