Example sentences of "[adj] life is not " in BNC.

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1 I mean it 's just it 's just a different life is n't it ?
2 Custom that has been experienced as part of daily life is not at all the same thing as custom that is described in a formal interview .
3 The central idea of ethnomethodology is that the orderliness of social life is not the result of people obeying social norms or giving way to social pressures , but rather that orderliness is attained by all those involved working to achieve it .
4 The caravanning life is n't all it 's painted up to be .
5 Here the experimenter effect is maximal , and the correspondence of the attitudes expressed to those that operate in every-day life is not easily determined .
6 You may tell me that your personal life is not my concern and that it is not for me to comment — and you would be justified however , I can not help but make it my concern because I have your future very much at heart .
7 Robert Romanyshyn 's central thesis is that psychological life is not part of the material world or of an inner subjectivity separate from that world but exists as a form of mediation between the two .
8 Oh dear , oh dear , it 's a hard life is n't it ?
9 This gender imbalance in later life is not a trend which is unique to Great Britain .
10 Real adulterous life is not as simple .
11 The representational theory of mind treats the explanation of mental life as a kind of engineering problem ; it starts from the inside , from the representational state , and asks how mental states interact with one another to produce something that we would call ‘ knowledge ’ ; the representational theorist proceeds like a sceptical philosopher who thinks that what figures in our mental life is not reality but our mental representations of it ( recall my saying the Fodor described his position as ‘ methodological solipsism ’ ) .
12 Its short life is not remembered in Hamnett 's current biography .
13 There have always been creepy-crawly stories , which are part of learning that life is not all teddy bears and roses .
14 A further theme is that death is around , comes in disguise , that life is not infinite .
15 Societies should always be aware when they are launched that life is not always sweetness and light when the pressure is on and constitutions should be framed so that disputes do arrive the framework for settlement already exists .
16 Instead he learned that life is not a choice between murdering your way to the throne or slopping back in a sty ; that there are swinish kings and regal hogs ; that the king may envy the pig ; and that the possibilities of the not-life will always change tormentingly to fit the particular embarrassments of the lived life .
17 And we find that life is not all plain sailing .
18 Cancer has taught me that life is n't a dress rehearsal , this is it and you only get the one chance .
19 Now we all know that life is n't like that .
20 One life is not enough for somebody with her hormones .
21 ‘ The spiritual director is concerned with the whole person , for the spiritual life is not just the life of the mind , or of the affections , or of the ‘ summit of the soul ’ — it is the life of the whole person ’ .
22 Perhaps they just find it comforting to think that this one earthly life is not the beginning and end of it all .
23 Your religious life is not enough .
24 The predominance of the individualistic perspective in our everyday life is not difficult to understand : the birth of modern capitalist society was accompanied by a philosophy of individualism , the belief that individuals were free to choose their rulers , their employers , and their religion .
25 A quiet life is not necessarily a rewarding life .
26 A quiet life is n't Tony 's style .
27 The Christian life is not a tidy , ready-made road which leads directly , simply and painlessly to the gates of heaven .
28 Professor Lear believes that individuation and autonomy are the highest goals of Man and he also believes , along with Socrates , that the unexamined life is not worth living .
29 Socrates said that the unexamined life is not worth living .
30 Corporeal life is not without its minor indignities .
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