Example sentences of "[adj] must [vb infin] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 That must mean danger .
2 That must make sense in the policy areas to which my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister referred — foreign policy , security and home affairs .
3 Well , that must reduce trade as well , cos if , if prices are high in the domestic market , they 're not going to want to sell them in another market are they ?
4 Many disabled people believe that encouraging a disability culture can only reinforce negative images of ‘ disability ’ — that is , they have not questioned the tragedy view of disability and when they think of a disability culture they assume that this must mean art forms which only present the negative side of disabled living .
5 The fear this must engender day-in , day-out is more important than the minutiae of psephology .
6 It is rarely an impossibility to find a third person , and in gusty weather this must make sense .
7 While this must remain conjecture , it should be remembered that 1949 was a critical juncture .
8 This must include recognition of the impact of particular events and circumstances , some of which are now described in more detail .
9 This must include product policy , marketing policy and sales targets as a minimum .
10 This must take place in the early hours of the morning in order that the narcotic is delivered at a time when there is little public activity .
11 The provision of the services already described is important , but this must take place in a society that fully accepts the implications of disability , otherwise the disabled feel they are rejected and discriminated against .
12 Another very important area requiring care is that of adequate speed for complex routines ; it may be necessary to sacrifice other ideals of structure , memory-size and transferability in order to make the performance right , and this must take priority .
13 The further the animal 's centre of gravity is off the ground , the more work is demanded of the muscles around the joints and girdles , and like all metabolic activity this must release heat .
14 If banks operated a rigid 12 ½ per cent cash ratio and the government reduced the supply of cash by £1 million , how much must credit contract ?
15 Though the Workshops Regulation Act of 1867 forbade the employment of children under eight in any handicraft and stated that those aged between eight and thirteen must attend school for at least ten hours a week , it was difficult to enforce these provisions and they were widely evaded .
16 It does not take into account wrecked aircraft in the many Pacific Islands and the many more known to be in shallow waters — these must await salvage and/or more confirmable status .
17 All must seek leave to appeal from the special adjudicator who is to be appointed by the Lord Chancellor .
18 All must provide strength , durability and waterproofing .
19 ‘ He pleases many , and he who pleases many must have merit . ’
20 Any account of the day-today sociability of men in Huaiwiri in the 1970s must pay attention to women : the relations among women were important in forming men 's opinions , in leading them to make decisions .
21 Even though the gift was subject to a reservation Mr X must pay tax at half the Sched 1 rates as he has made a chargeable transfer .
22 People who earn £25 a week or more must pay Class A PRSI .
23 As we lay on my raincoat , which was spread on the grass ( one must observe etiquette ) , we talked casually .
24 If firm 2 reneges on punishment , then in the following period firm 1 must punish firm 2 for not having punished it in the previous period , and so on .
25 What happened between the two must remain conjecture but the result — this beautifully executed painting of a vulture above — was recently presented to another chartered accountant , John Jacklin , a friend of the artist .
26 The two must go hand in hand .
27 And therefore it must by definition be the case that anything over and above the one hundred and twenty two which I know Selby have not challenged on on on the basis of the assessment , er anything over and above that hundred and twenty two must siphon investment and economic activity from somewhere else because it 's not local , it 's not it 's not unemployed , it 's not local needs and it 's not migration .
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