Example sentences of "[adj] as it seem " in BNC.

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1 McIllvanney had offered to let her stay on board Wavebreaker , so long as the boat 's air conditioners were disconnected , but his offer was not as generous as it seemed for Ellen would have been little more than an unpaid security guard and also subject to Bellybutton 's endlessly tedious suggestions , and she far preferred her small hot room in the busy crowded apartment block that smelt of cooking all day and marijuana all night .
2 They do show , though , that the world even now is not quite as crowded as it seems ; that if agriculture was better organized , then it probably would be possible to feed the present human population , and still leave plenty of room for the rest of nature .
3 Yet neither her choice nor Julia 's is as one-sided as it seems .
4 Impossible as it seemed , he had forgotten that he must never , under any circumstances , leave her presence without kissing her cheek as a dutiful son should always do .
5 Impossible as it seemed , he still thought she was lying , or was he pretending in order to keep her with him ?
6 have actually mutated themselves in as much as it seems to be that
7 So these people are important to you , so it 's vitally important that you do n't let them down , because initially this business has a strange effect on you in as much as it seems to take over your mind , does n't it ?
8 This is partly because the comparison of stylistic elements in different media such as vase painting and coinage is not as straightforward as it seems .
9 The interpretation of this measure of consistency is not as straightforward as it seems at first sight .
10 Choosing the trees is not as easy as it seems .
11 Jane Carter discovers that life on a WPG European Tour is n't always as easy as it seems
12 Putting on weight is n't as easy as it seems — it 's not just a matter of eating calorie-crammed foods .
13 I soon discovered , of course , that this discipline was not as simple as it seemed — as indeed the author tirelessly points out .
14 I have n't had a period for over a year , and although sometimes I think to myself ‘ I 'm all right really ’ , then I remember I have n't got my periods back and I realise that it 's not as simple as it seems .
15 Reading is not as simple as it seems , and the reader is not as passive a receiver as we once thought .
16 Incredible as it seemed , she 'd been too caught up in her own unhappiness to give a second 's thought to the play , which was due to open that very evening .
17 Even mother must have had the odd twinge , incredible as it seems .
18 Incredible as it seems , the result was almost inevitable .
19 Perhaps it was n't as cold as it seemed to her distorted senses .
20 After all , something must have made me do it , pointless and unjustified as it seemed now ; perhaps if I went over it all again carefully , I could find out that the truth did n't condemn me out of hand .
21 However , this is not as tautological as it seems , since it implies a relationship between values and action that is problematic , as we shall see later .
22 The answer might not be as obvious as it seems .
23 Bourdillon 's figure for this was ‘ the annual provision of not less than 250 volumes for lending and reference purposes per thousand population ’ , but the figure is not as uncomplicated as it seems , since it refers only to new books and not to stock revision ( for which no standard was given ) .
24 And then , not much later as it seemed , there they were , father pushing the pram , a very happy little family .
25 PRINCE 'S new £50 million record contract is not as good as it seems .
26 Finally Big Bear takes Little Bear out to show that the darkness is n't as black as it seems — and he falls asleep in it , in Big Bear 's arms .
27 ‘ It 's not quite as black as it seems , Mr Nadirpur .
28 The issue is not quite as petty as it seems .
29 But there are several billion people in the world to whom such a coincidence could happen , so the apparent coincidence is actually not as great as it seems .
30 Yes , it is quite as sinister as it seems .
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