Example sentences of "[adj] or if they " in BNC.

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1 You probably know instinctively if those whom you meet are genuinely interested or if they are inquisitive , curious , trying to manipulate or probe .
2 In these respects , the EC has taken a very proactive role , guided by the importance of the single market which can not effectively exist if intellectual property rights vary from one Member State to another or if they can be used to restrict the free movement of goods .
3 Whether the mother or the father is younger or if they are of the same age , has little effect on the infants ' survival chances , in so far as both parents are in the age most favourable to procreate healthy infants .
4 Patients become bedridden only when they are terminally ill or if they are allowed to develop progressive scoliosis which results in intolerance of sitting .
5 Some screws were more lenient than others and you learned when you saw who came round to wake you up how much you had to hurry — whether it was one who 'd put you on report if you were one minute late or if they would give you five minutes ' grace .
6 But he was singing ; people only do that either if they are drunk or if they are trying to collect some money , in which case they will sing and sing all day , having no other means of getting it .
7 ‘ If the prints were undated or if they had been given younger dates most experts would probably accept them as have made by Homo , ’ said Russell Tuttle from the University of Chicago who has recently analysed casts of the footprints at the invitation of Mary Leakey .
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