Example sentences of "[adj] but [det] 's " in BNC.

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1 I mean , for instance , in my dreams er cars have taken on a very distinct personal symbolism that has really nothing to do with what you might think , because of personal experiences of mine , and I now know that whenever I dream about cars it always always has this but that 's because of something that happened to me and because of my personal erm kind of experiences , so cars have become a dream symbol .
2 ‘ We are interested but that 's as far as it has gone because Alex Ferguson has shown no desire to let him go , and that 's despite the fact that Neil has not been in his first team .
3 Er it 's perf altered a little now because it 's not very popular but that 's what you 've said .
4 If you lifted a large laundry basket think about the size of a laundry basket , think about where the hands would go then down , lift it up and if it 's full of laundry then it 's obviously going to be heavier than if it was empty but that 's the size .
5 Behaviour in a vacuum may be very interesting but that 's about all .
6 It 's not easy but that 's because the fox is not supposed to be captured .
7 Chapman said : ‘ Obviously I 'm sad but that 's life and there is no animosity .
8 My er my adam 's apple gets cold but that 's about it .
9 Community community industries , labour charges for car park were eight hundred and twenty two fifty but that 's got to have the VAT deducted from it .
10 I wrote all the songs and they were awful but that 's the way you mature .
11 Well I 'm sorry but that 's not good enough .
12 I 'm sorry but that 's all I 've got , alright ?
13 Ooh gosh I 'm sorry but that 's just
14 Now the part they play in the community depending on your political statistical or whatever leisure interest viewpoint may be that you think they have n't got the combination right but that 's obviously a very subjective thing , but I think that I mean the visibility and the social responsibility implements I would have thought are two of the most important for people .
15 I know it 's right but that 's a laugh I think .
16 Soundblaster effects such as laser fire and explosions are terrific but that 's about it .
17 but that , that but that 's the whole thing I 'm saying .
18 Er but we like say do n't want to put everything in cos it would take you a while to analyze that but that 's another thing you might want to put on .
19 I do n't who said that but that 's rubbish .
20 But that but that 's my point really , we it 's not really defined what what is meant in this criteria by criteria
21 Sorry I 've had to juggle that we 've got some new documentation just being prepared for that but that 's being er .
22 And er that You study that but that 's your work horse .
23 But that but that 's tha that 's defeating the whole object of the exercise of getting you know more foot patrols , because it 's foot patrols that they 're talking about all the time , if you give 'em a car you go back to the you know the fire brigade syndrome when it was zip zip zip
24 Erm There 's quite a bit to go into with that but that 's hopefully given you some idea of how electricity works .
25 I think I need some more than that but that 's all I had , the six pounds .
26 Faced with those kind of possible reductions in service , if there is a penny one penny more than necessary spent on administration and bureaucracy wherever it is in the youth and community programme that is gon na be less money for front line vision and the Labour group can have to think very , very carefully about that and the issue is gon na be that if we 're spending too much money or if they 're coming back to supplementary estimates which wo n't be available er given the financial situation next year if we 're having two heads of centres or whatever when we could have one that is gon na mean less money for front line services to the people of Highfields and there 'll only be one group that will be responsible for that , if that does come about and I think that 's something that we all need to bear in mind because what we were told as members of that committee is that the youth and community budget is gon na be in for some very serious times in the future and it 's mainly the government 's fault because of the way they 've decided to re-organise the situation it 's going out of our hands into the control of an unelected body and like most members of this council I think we would oppose that but that 's the reality of the situation and I could not support any increase of funds er for any community centres if I knew it was simply gon na be spent on administration .
27 It 's very annoying but that 's when you have to stop .
28 and that 's a bargain , and se you know these reps would come round selling this that and the other and if , you could only see samples after , would n't touch it with a barge pole like you know , yeah I 'll have that , that 's all but that 's because he had a good grounding
29 ‘ Some climbers and walkers used to feel there was something shameful about retreating but that 's just not true — it is often the sensible thing to do . ’
30 Relationships are often shallow but that 's inevitable , especially between the countries .
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