Example sentences of "[adj] she [vb past] been " in BNC.

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1 The closeness had somehow died , but apart from this she 'd been so sure there was much he could tell her .
2 How sensible she had been not to give way to any of his blandishments .
3 Mam would never guess how brave she had been all the way home .
4 Praying , as she sidled along to the changing-room , that no one would ever know how utterly wrong she had been
5 The sun was full on her face , and it was clear she had been crying .
6 ‘ But I do n't think I 'll ever be quite so scared of cows again , ’ she added , when she told of her perilous passage through the herd and how afraid she 'd been .
7 Ruth closed her eyes , the weight of relief making her feel how afraid she 'd been .
8 It horrified her to think how foolish she had been and she could only excuse herself on the grounds that she had suffered some kind of fit .
9 Her earlier fears had faded and she thought how foolish she had been to let a ridiculous fancy disturb her happiness .
10 She recovered herself , grateful that he had either not noticed how jumpy she had been or was willing to pretend he had not .
11 Suddenly she realised just how much she 'd been hoping that Jake and Janice were still not married .
12 She was most amusing , and described how much she had been abused by reviewers and how one man wrote to her asking her to explain what on earth her books were all about , and enclosed a stamped and addressed envelope for her reply — ‘ I used it when I was paying a bill ’ .
13 It was only now that she was happy with the girls in Littlewood 's Pools that Joe realised how much she had been hurt by the cattiness in her previous job .
14 The most upsetting thing was that it made her realise just how much she had been allowing him to guide her in the decision , putting her desire to leave the nurses ' home and her pleasure at Dr Entwistle 's recommendation very much in second place .
15 But as feelings of guilt suddenly swamped her , only then did Fabia appreciate how much she had been herself with Ven .
16 She had already visited the de Chavigny showrooms there , and because she was feeling nervous she had been more than usually extravagant .
17 Only when she heard her aunt 's familiar voice and had to fight a desire to burst into tears did Luce realise just how strung-up she 'd been .
18 When she was nineteen she had been going out with a steady boyfriend for three years , and they had decided to get married .
19 It was Hyacinth 's first party conference , but at nineteen she had been around .
20 And during that terrible evening by the fireside , when she told him her story , how desperately sad she had been to realize he might not love her any more .
21 But in their mind 's eye , audiences were convinced she had been virtually naked throughout .
22 Afterwards Stella was convinced she had been rebuked .
23 She said she was sorry she 'd been so cross about Timothy Gedge .
24 A case of gamekeeper turned poacher , given that she had been a fast-stream entrant to the Treasury , much of whose function it is to resist that sort of demand . ’
25 Our interview with her was the first news she had ever had that she had been the subject of a judgement summons .
26 After that she had been at pains to assure him she could cope very well and was about to go to see her inheritance .
27 And on top of that she had been rude to her boss .
28 How pathetically grateful she had been then .
29 Dot was glad she 'd been warned by the dancing man because there was no warning from Gloria .
30 Being upset about Timothy Gedge had made her tired , but she was glad she 'd been upset , for at least it made sense , not like moping over a baby that could n't be born .
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