Example sentences of "[adj] do [not/n't] come " in BNC.

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1 The English did not come .
2 If this did n't come all the way from the top , I 'd have you walk under a squad car on the way out of the building .
3 This did not come as a surprise .
4 At the 1890 Convention of Local Phonograph Companies in Chicago , delegates asked for a longer cylinder with a section specifically set aside for an announcement , but this did not come about .
5 So it is that when Mr Major explains that he has , by devaluing the pound , given British industry an exceptional chance to improve its exports , he insists that ‘ this did not come about as a deliberate act of policy ’ .
6 But the company claims this did not come from Bombadier .
7 Similarly , in the case of relationships between spouses , it can be shown that clear divisions between the women 's sphere and the man 's sphere persist , and the illustrations of this do not come exclusively from rural or traditional working class communities .
8 Sadly , some do n't come through it . ’
9 But all this does not come cheap .
10 The jackpot for the popular press comes when the defendant is both a teacher and a priest , although this does not come across in the headline ( e.g. SHAME OF KINKY HEAD , 55 ) Other professions also feature , which did not occur in the male assault cases ( e.g. DOCTOR JAILED FOR SEX ASSAULTS ; DENTIST FONDLES GIRLS ) .
11 Surprisingly sometimes this does not come over in the investment overview or information memorandum .
12 Still , I 'm no fool ; a chance like this does n't come along every day , so I can hardly pass it up .
13 But he added : ‘ The fact that Mr McNeill has said this does n't come as a surprise to me .
14 This does n't come automatically to a dyslexic person very often , and we also look at letters from left to right , but if you look at a u and then turn it upside down in your mind , you have an n , or h and y can be reversed to turn into each other , if you like , in the same way .
15 The first 15 overs yielded only 30 and the 100 did not come up until the 35th over .
16 The gender stereotypes inherent in binary definitions of ‘ male ’ and ‘ female ’ are explored in Between , but structuralist theory as such does not come under attack .
17 The three did not come to trial until last week when they were each imprisoned for four years .
18 But these do not come free .
19 And I do n't know why these did n't come out terribly maybe because it was stormy and cloudy or whatever but , still .
20 The British pilots reported that the German aircraft were accompanied by nine Bf109s , but these did not come down ‘ to play ’ .
21 These did not come from either the Tate Gallery or the Victoria and Albert Museum , the institutions with the relevant collections , but almost certainly from , among others , Agnews , the firm which , ironically , helped build up the collection in the nineteenth century .
22 And many did n't come no .
23 Taught you that in the three times table fourteen does n't come after twelve .
24 But the profits in which he shared during 1840–44 did not come up to expectations , and after the disappointment of the low profits on A Christmas Carol , published on commission , he broke temporarily with Chapman & Hall , and turned to their printers , Bradbury & Evans , as his new publishers .
25 She took up riding at one point , but that did n't come to anything .
26 That did n't come from Hornby .
27 Figures like that do n't come on oldies , Nigel thought .
28 Now there 's one thing that I have to alert us all to the rest may not have been important , perhaps only to some of the larger churches but groups are advised and churches are advised to make sure that in buildings that are used ah , for many different groups that young children under the age of eight do not come into contact with any casual people who may be using that building .
29 Simply Red do n't come on till half seven
30 The answer is that , despite his biographer 's sterling efforts to dig up neat psychoanalytic excuses for even his most venal sins , a Dickens often given to kindness , empathy and geniality but more predominantly disposed to be cruel , self-centred , self-pitying and sententious does not come over as an especially lovable specimen .
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