Example sentences of "[adj] that you know " in BNC.

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1 If there are possible problems and conditions that make the company worried about how a partner will cope make it clear that you know what they are and that they are not problems to you .
2 Well , not an awful lot really I mean , you know , you , you ca n't win , as I say , it just seemed wrong that you know when people ask being asked to make cuts and make these charges that that amount of money should be spent on something else
3 But it , is n't it an awful situation when you , when you , when you look at it that evidence indicates that the erm the number of people that are either now elderly infirm or sick and and clearly that they all will have to face this , this , this terrible burden and I can not understand because there is , this , there is , there is er a total disarray within the Conservative party , that all their er er back bench er MP s are making representations to their erm their leader who possibly may not be a leader tomorrow but as long as he 's the leader today , John Major that he should do a rethink and here they are er you know , members of the same party , continuing to support something which is so idiosyncratic that you know it 's really beyond belief , er Chairman .
4 The phrasing got so slow and emphatic that you knew that she wanted you to listen to and weigh up every single word ; but you could n't tell if each word was freighted with anger , or bitterness , or joy ; it just came out with great , quiet force , and you had to work out its tone for yourself .
5 ‘ I 'm so glad that you know at last , ’ she said .
6 So there 's quite a few of these that you know as long as you can forget about this thing of wanting to put A E L.
7 Make sure that you know what these are and what they mean .
8 You are advised to keep your answer to question 5 as concise as possible ( no more than a few sentences ) ; be sure that you know exactly what you want to say before you pick up the phone .
9 If two of the family are chatting about something special , perhaps they could do it another time or alternatively make absolutely sure that you know what it is all about .
10 Check that you know who else is to be present , anticipate what ‘ hidden agendas– they may have and be sure that you know the level of formality .
11 When planting new trees in your garden , make sure that you know what the mature heights are likely to be .
12 If you know what your aims are ; if you make sure that you know how to memorise and recall ; if your reviews are effective , with good concentration , you may feel yourself well on the way to becoming a successful student with a bright future .
13 First , be sure that you know exactly what is required , In some questions the statement of the conditions is deliberately written in a complex confusion .
14 Be sure that you know the name of the previous speaker so that you can say , ‘ Thank you , George , ’ confident that his name is not James .
15 I 'm sure that you know quantities of whores and harlots . ’
16 I am not here to discuss that now , but I mean it 's just to make sure that you know that things are n't planned for five years or ten years , but possibly for a lot longer than that .
17 Are you sure that you know how to use the Ctrl and Alt keys ?
18 I suspect that there 'll there 'd been a certain amount of alienation for a long time things that the men had to accept because the people with the money and therefore the power said that they had to you know a I think quarry men are very proud on one level great sort of craftsmen in a way and erm I 'm sure that you know th the last couple of years well I 've heard them say really tha that there 'd been things niggling them with the management but I suppose this was just like a blatant smack in the face and they realize that if they accepted this if they let the management walk all over them this was the thin end of the wedge you know that .
19 They were prepared to compromise because they I 'm sure that you know you ca n't imagine them not being really but because they 're such erm they were outraged at this machine but they were prepared to give it a try but the way it was bulldozed through that once the machine was there there was no choice then and almost you know get going boys get more and more and more slate you know greed they felt the employer was being greedy at the expense of quality .
20 To make sure that you know , they 've got to understand we police it from that which means that you go over
21 I 'll give you a dish , yeah I know , I know you 're not to open them but I 'm just making sure that you know that they 're yours , now do you want a dish or not ?
22 tried to do joined writing , apparently we are supposed to do that as teachers , actually said got ta put their primary on primary education , it says sit down and write a poem in joined up writing and look at your own writing and before you try to teach it to children make sure that you know
23 Oh yeah all the all the hits er like er Bunch of Time and and Maggie and Old Flames and after all these years , if did n't do those you 'd be shot afterwards like but er what we do with the songs that that were like you know hit singles and that people really come to hear we make sure that you know that we do those and then we put in er you know what we think would be the favourite ones from albums and then we add in a sprinkling of the stuff from the new album so you know we give them a good cross-section for an hour and a half and then we have a good first half of the show as well we 've got first half of the show as well and our band go on with him for forty minutes and er they perform as well a few soloists and er then Tony and myself come on and we do an hour and a half and we go right everything we do on stage we have recorded at some time , we do n't do something that we have n't recorded .
24 And foreseeing that necessity , you made sure that you knew something which could earn you money at need .
25 Just enough to make sure Okay , maybe not a difficult as that one was , just enough really to make sure that you knew how to do the calculations .
26 Once you feel confident that you know what to do and why it should be done , you can put your knowledge to the test , choosing the time and place most suited to your own circumstances .
27 It all seemed so logical that you knew Ryan , had come over because of the land . ’
28 And then they want someone else 's help or whatever else and er I can see that they 're concerned that you know they have a concern or want something from me then and I pass on I some action to take place you know for you know I 've on to somebody or someone said to him , I always give my name .
29 That might be one of those that you know , family build .
30 BELVILLE : Why , Mrs. Jervis , are there any men that will not let her alone that you know of ?
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