Example sentences of "[adj] that i can " in BNC.

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1 As for breast feeding , I feel so strongly about this that I can hardly express myself !
2 Funny that I can always tell what you 're thinking , is n't it ?
3 So high that I can not hear them speak .
4 With limited space , it is unavoidable that I can provide only a summary of the work of a very active Association , but I thought your readers would be interested to know that schools are not being neglected .
5 ‘ There are some people , ’ Lydia had said , ‘ who , as it were , belong in my house , and there are some that I can tolerate .
6 One of the longest that I can think of spans a lake .
7 ‘ I am afraid that I can not venture an opinion as to the length of the weapon , until my examination , ’ he said , withdrawing the probe and wiping it on his apron .
8 I am afraid that I can not agree with you that all rivers should simply be recognized as public rights of way , attractive though that might appear .
9 I am afraid that I can not accept the reasoning which has led subsequent Divisional Courts to limit the ambit of that decision : Benson 's case , the Divisional Court in the present case , and Reg. v. Secretary of State for the Home Department , Ex parte Walsh , The Times , 18 December 1991 .
10 I shall certainly convey the sentiments , but I am afraid that I can not promise my hon. Friend an early debate .
11 Having said all that , I am afraid that I can not be as enthusiastic about the Bill as I should like .
12 I am afraid that I can not .
13 In response to R C Sneddon 's letter today , I am afraid that I can not offer any foolproof plan for economic recovery .
14 But not too old that I can not make sure that you never forget .
15 I am sorry that I can not be more helpful .
16 ‘ Should you come to town , I am sorry that I can not offer you a home pro tempore — pro trumpery indeed it would be , if I did not make any such offer — for unless you occupied the grate as a seat — I see no probability of your finding any rest consonant with the safety of my parrots — seeing , that of the six chairs I possess — 5 are at present occupied with lithographic prints : — the whole of my exalted & delightful upper tenement in fact overflows with them , and for the last 12 months I have so moved — thought — looked at , — & existed among parrots — that should any transmigration take place at my decease I am sure my soul would be very uncomfortable in anything but one of the psittacidae . ’
17 It seems strange that I can spend ten times as much on a Fender product and be provided with none of this !
18 I can imagine him so very clearly , from his photographs , his words , but I do not remember him myself — I should have , I was two years old — it 's strange that I can not remember seeing him bending over my cot , as they say he did , glass of brandy-and-soda in hand .
19 It is strange that I can find no reference to these beans in Peggy Earl 's " Tales of Islay " because it was she who told me that they were sometimes called " fairy eggs " and that some of the more wealthy people had them set in silver mounts to wear round their necks .
20 It is strange that I can find no reference to these beans in Peggy Earl 's " Tales of Islay " because it was she who told me that they were sometimes called " fairy eggs " and that some of the more wealthy people had them set in silver mounts to wear round their necks .
21 The average man may perhaps think it an exaggeration but I do assure you that this is factually so and nights are not now so dark that I can not be completely aware of what is happening around me before , during and after the nets have been set .
22 The pain in my left hand is such that I can hardly bear to look at it .
23 well I think erm , the short answer is that I ca n't erm , erm provide the parties with any time on Friday , er , the case , this case has already some what over run it 's estimate , which has put pressure on the commercial judge as it is , there 's gon na be even more pressure on Friday , erm , I 'm afraid to say the , that the complexities of this case as such that I can not erm begin to think that even if we started at ten we would erm , necessarily finish within the hour , I have difficulties starting at ten o'clock anyway , I think we 'll simply have to erm , put the matter off , off until Monday morning I , Mr ca n't attend I really do n't think that I can erm put it off er any longer than that
24 She looks at me incredulous that I can be so stupid .
25 Sometimes I have wondered myself , but have made so many friends and learnt so much that I can never regret the decision .
26 One objection , however , is so obvious that I can not leave the matter there .
27 ‘ I 'm not sure that I can at the moment , ’ I said apologetically .
28 In a case like this it is often a matter of assessing quickly ‘ Am I sure that I can reach the field , or if I get more sink will I fail to get there ? ’
29 ‘ I 'll try and guide you back , but I 'm not sure that I can . ’
30 I 'm sure that I can , could , see both him and his spirit-self .
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