Example sentences of "[adj] that be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The most prominent aspect of privatisation , as practised by the Conservative government , has been the transfer of ownership of assets from the public sector to the private sector ( as in definition 1 ) , and it is the arguments for this that are now considered .
2 The licensing of the play-text rather than the performance conferred a form of authority on the written artefact and it was this that was supposedly acted .
3 Doubtless this wish was at bottom an ideological one , inspired by the same mania for dividing the world into masculine and feminine that is still at work today .
4 Among the lexical units which go to make up a lexeme it is possible to distinguish some that are more basic , or central , and others that are less so .
5 But , so far as this world of common experience is concerned , all living creatures , including perhaps some that are now extinct , can be arranged in a continuous hierarchy , lesser to greater , with man at the summit , as stated in Genesis .
6 We have some that are very specific , in the sense that they are intended to provide certain particular skills or techniques .
7 Ant colonies often entertain a variety of parasitic arthropods such as beetles and mites , and some that are merely commensal ; that is they merely co-habit with the ants , and thereby perhaps gain protection , or scavenge for scrap food , but do no obvious harm .
8 There are also some that are actually innocuous but are seldom eaten for they have taken a rather complicated gamble by copying the colours of poisonous caterpillars to delude aggressors into giving them as wide a berth as the creatures they mimic .
9 There were some that were quite valuable , a Churchill , I think , and a Boss , but they were sent to his gunsmith in Glasgow , Peterson and Briggs , and they were sold .
10 I thought I had sent him some that were very good , but I received a most snarky letter from him saying " They may be very fine artists but they do n't know anything about teaching , and I 'm not interested in any of your geniuses unless they really take trouble about the job in hand " .
11 Pretty tasty that is actually in n it ?
12 I 'm , I 'm afraid that is so .
13 I 'm afraid that 's just about all I can do . ’
14 " I 'm afraid that 's quite impossible .
15 I 'm afraid that 's very general .
16 So the very few that were still on the road I really treasured and appreciated seeing .
17 There was the scandal of the Westminster Council 's sale of cemeteries for 15 pence ; a report of an enterprising Yorkshireman , Edgar Dakin , who , shocked at the prices charged for memorial headstones in the conventional marble or granite , had patented his design for thermoplastic ones at a tiny fraction of the cost ; and yet another that was virtually a half-hour commercial on BBC television for the ubiquitous Hodgson Holdings .
18 A barrister aye probably the greatest that 's ever lived you know .
19 Years ago when you wanted to get to the heath from a stable that was maybe , the Cambridge side of Newmarket
20 Even the most comprehensive understanding of the ecology and of the prevailing modes of production will tell us very little that is sociologically interesting about the human society that is under observation .
21 That 's right that was about five years ago .
22 Sorry that 's just a bit of advice
23 There 's gon na be yeah sorry that 's here ,
24 I 'm sorry that was very unfair .
25 Radio demands particular technical skills , and a person required a minimum standard of education before being accepted for training as a broadcaster — a standard that was progressively raised .
26 I quote her : ‘ He considered no book dangerous that was well written . ’
27 It is larger than the two five and six that are downstairs .
28 maybe five or six that were quite serious one .
29 In addition , the convention contains an express provision allowing a state of destination to refuse to execute a letter rogatory that is manifestly contrary to public policy ( ordre public ) 224 .
30 Karajan does everything in his power to do just that , whereas Rozhdestvensky is clearly convinced that is more the Romantic offspring of a late-Eighteenth Century Classical genre .
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