Example sentences of "[adj] that [was/were] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The licensing of the play-text rather than the performance conferred a form of authority on the written artefact and it was this that was supposedly acted .
2 But it became clear that was not the way to hold our own against companies like Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola , or Mars on the confectionery side .
3 There were some that were quite valuable , a Churchill , I think , and a Boss , but they were sent to his gunsmith in Glasgow , Peterson and Briggs , and they were sold .
4 I thought I had sent him some that were very good , but I received a most snarky letter from him saying " They may be very fine artists but they do n't know anything about teaching , and I 'm not interested in any of your geniuses unless they really take trouble about the job in hand " .
5 Angelica had just mentioned that Steve was mixed up in an insurance swindle , and she was afraid that was why he had missed the train .
6 So the very few that were still on the road I really treasured and appreciated seeing .
7 There was the scandal of the Westminster Council 's sale of cemeteries for 15 pence ; a report of an enterprising Yorkshireman , Edgar Dakin , who , shocked at the prices charged for memorial headstones in the conventional marble or granite , had patented his design for thermoplastic ones at a tiny fraction of the cost ; and yet another that was virtually a half-hour commercial on BBC television for the ubiquitous Hodgson Holdings .
8 Years ago when you wanted to get to the heath from a stable that was maybe , the Cambridge side of Newmarket
9 That 's right that was about five years ago .
10 Anyway , I did it with him you know and he said , sorry that were n't long enough , he said what 's your telephone number !
11 Was the regional office conscious in making that , I 'm sorry that was not that pause intentional , was the regional office conscious in making that suggestion that B eight uses were being advocated to be included and therefore the conflict potentially was a policy which was not before it ?
12 I 'm sorry that was very unfair .
13 Oh I thought oh I , I , I seemed to remember the Whitney Bay bit and I mean I do n't know what I 've done with the blinking programme last year , I mean they 're all in the magazine rack , but I do n't think that one 's there that was terrific that were n't it ?
14 Radio demands particular technical skills , and a person required a minimum standard of education before being accepted for training as a broadcaster — a standard that was progressively raised .
15 I quote her : ‘ He considered no book dangerous that was well written . ’
16 This had only added to Brian 's sense of guilt , as if he had been prying , probing into something personal that was not his business .
17 maybe five or six that were quite serious one .
18 ‘ You were convinced that was where the leak was from the start .
19 He lost himself in its possibilities , its immensity , he went far out , and came back dazed , stunned by horizons , often with sketches he had done in a hurry and afterwards flew at with the axe of a black crayon , or a pen loaded with black ink , hacking at them fiercely , savagely , to kill off the sentimental and picturesque that was so much in vogue .
20 People in Europe saw the advantages of colonies most easily when the colonies produced something valuable that was not produced at home .
21 So perhaps if people were aware of some of the places where wasps can go within their home , they might be able to sort of take those conscious That was n't actually what I had
22 Earlier her plan had been to go down to the village a little before the gala on the pretext of shopping and finding out the times of the events and perhaps look in at the antique shop ( for Mrs Price was on the Gala committee ) and let it be known she would join the young people , but now that her mother was ill that was out of the question , she pushed it on one side , the urgent thing was to get to the chemist 's and get the stuff up to her mother .
23 To the extent that it preserves the concept of De Republica the scheme would appear designed to mirror an ideal that was ordinarily taken for granted .
24 Good that was n't it ?
25 Suffering at this level can then take on the character of being a positive good that was wholly unexpected , and previously unacceptable to us .
26 as if all that were not trouble enough , the landlord lets a goat loose in the flat .
27 Three Fulmars were already up — Red Section of 807 Squadron — and four more ( all that were now immediately available ) were scrambled , the incoming attack proving to comprise twenty-eight Ju87s of l/St.G 1 from Cagliari , in two formations , with a top cover of six Bf110s of 9/ZG26 , these led by Hpt .
28 Copies reached almost every Royalist household and many that were not .
29 And Selvey 's summing-up was worthy of a high court judge : very frivolous , and most them marginal , but only five of the 34 wickets were leg-before and even those were of an apparently arbitrary nature : those given seemed to have no more merit than many that were not . ’
30 He told of his own difficulties in finding time to read all the variable essays submitted and knew of many that were never sent in at all .
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