Example sentences of "[adj] that [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It would be reasonable to expect from this that over a few years , our APR disclosure regulations broadly similar to the US Truth in Lending Law — will raise people 's knowledge of APRs well above the present level , and confirm them in their belief that disclosure of APRs is important .
2 It follows from this that in a recognition test subjects will find it extremely difficult to distinguish one of the early sentences in a passage from similar sentences which mean the same .
3 We can see from this that in the technical sense most large and many small organisations can be described as bureaucracies .
4 It will be apparent from this that in the event of LCH 's liquidation the clearing members would rank not as members but as creditors or debtors .
5 Though Labour joined with the Conservatives in May 1940 to fight the Second World War , under Churchill 's leadership , it is clear that despite the almost obsessive concern of the public about the threat of European fascism it was only the Labour Party , slow and cumbersome in its rate of change , which actually squared up to the necessity of facing fascism with military sanctions if necessary .
6 It is clear that despite the package of protective designations and institutions created since 1945 , there has been a net decline in the quality of the Welsh countryside and the wider environment for the reasons given .
7 It is clear that despite the continuing success and positive feedback from the Programme the difficulties of organisation hinder a much better sharing between the Regions .
8 And he made clear that despite the government 's small majority , they would be prepared to take difficult decisions about how to reduce the enormous government deficit .
9 It is clear that during a certain stage in the child 's development , artefacts become its principal means of articulating feelings and desires .
10 It is clear that during the past twenty years developmental psychologists have come to the edge of a vast array of structural processes in the development of the mind , and an exciting era of experimental research has begun .
11 " Ladies and gentlemen , the fact that cholera is conveyed in the atmosphere is amply supported by the epidemic in Newcastle in 1853 when it became clear that during the months of September and October an invisible cholera cloud was suspended over the town .
12 A letter sent to shareholders by the club 's legal adviser , Gordon Marshall , makes it clear that during the action a number of concessions had been obtained from the Deans family .
13 It is clear that over the 1980s , our investment record has run well ahead of that of the rest of the Group of Seven .
14 It is clear that over the past year everyone in has worked extremely hard and for long hours .
15 But , more important , it is clear that on the most important matter of clerical celibacy , there was no body of support to justify Anselm 's optimism about a rapid victory .
16 It is clear that on the Conservative side , before defeat in the 1964 General Election , Edward Boyle was attracted to a binary solution and in March of that year put a paper on it to a Cabinet committee .
17 It is clear that at a meeting on July 4 between Lord Young and BAe , discussions included various tax benefits for Rover , to be achieved through the removal of the ring fence on tax losses and sympathetic revenue treatment .
18 With hindsight , it is clear that at the time we did not fully grasp the real significance of the workers ' position .
19 Whilst the White Paper acknowledges that local policy objectives and resources must be a key context in planning and delivery services , the government appears to be clear that at the point of assessment , decisions must be needs-based and ‘ should not focus only on the user 's suitability for a particular existing scheme ’ ( DoH , 1989b , p. 18 ) .
20 Is it not clear that at the next general election the public will face a clear choice between lower personal taxes under a Conservative Government or swingeing increased taxes under Labour ?
21 Where these problems are absent there appears to be little that a reasonably fit older person can not do with an efficiency equivalent to a high proportion of younger workers ( see Stones and Kozma , 1985 for a good survey of research findings in this field ) : ‘ It is clear that as a piece of anatomical and physiological machinery , the human organism becomes progressively impaired from the late twenties onwards .
22 It is therefore clear that as a result of the statutory machinery an individual can have a substantial measure of control over his own working life compulsorily delegated to an agent , a trade union , which he has not selected and may even have his own contract of service varied without his consent .
23 The Department pledges its support to staff who work within the spirit of the Guidelines set out in this document , and will make it clear that as a Department we are not prepared to accept threats of intimidation and violence from that small number of clients who use such methods to manipulate their social environment or evade responsibility for their behaviour .
24 Now , in addition to that , and I do n't know if this is the source of the confusion , we 've also made provision in the ninety four five budget for another er camera site operation , except that it 's a lower figure because that does n't actually include the camera because we made it clear that as a result of the decision last time here we did n't want to create a , a permanent precedent that this committee always picked up the bill for the camera .
25 It is clear that as a matter of prudent management in a firm of any size one of the partners or a senior member of staff should be given overall responsibility for ensuring that all partners and employed solicitors ( whether or not held out as partners ) comply with these basic requirements of professional practice ( by keeping a check on replacement and renewal dates , collating relevant statistical information , ensuring timeous completion and posting of applications , etc ) and that the firm is spared the embarrassment of financial penalties or , even worse , an unwanted dissolution .
26 As far as the County Highways Authority 's concerned , I think they 've made it quite clear that as a matter of principle , when they considered the new settlement , the new settlement proposal was then around nineteen hundred dwellings , larger than what is being proposed at the moment .
27 Dworkin makes it clear that as the question of what form the public hearing should assume is itself a policy question , it is , accordingly , beyond the remit of the courts to interfere with this .
28 If this principle is applied to the situation in Figure 9.6 then it is clear that as the parcel 's distance from the spin axis decreases then the speed of the parcel around the spin axis must increase .
29 It is clear that to the ancient Egyptian death was not the end that there was thought to be life after death , for which certain provisions and preparations had to be made .
30 Within the hour the camera , the film and the physical chemistry became so clear that with a great sense of excitement I hurried to the place where a friend was staying to describe to him in detail a dry camera which would give a picture immediately after exposure .
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