Example sentences of "[adj] i [vb base] [indef pn] " in BNC.

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1 Erm I think we 're er er we 're quite clear at the moment that the correct erm interpretation of it from our point of view is as a fixed asset investment and unless something changes in the er constitution of the company , erm although it may be erm the guiding thing become profitable I think one 's got to play by the rules and the rules at the moment say it is n't one .
2 ‘ What we need is to put more focus on creating brand-consciousness — and by that I mean everything that makes up a brand , such as style , colour , fashionableness , image , price , quality .
3 Lord Hailsham carefully unpicked the shreds of legitimacy attaching to the established constitution and called for " nothing less than a written constitution for the United Kingdom , and by that I mean one which limits the powers of Parliament and-provides a means of enforcing those limitations both by political and by legal means " .
4 Co-operation is essential of course , but it will not do that I arrange everything so that you get enough exercise : for me to be healthy , I must get enough exercise .
5 After that I promise nothing — ’
6 And this I get plenty of opportunity to do — to puzzle at it , I mean .
7 To this I owe everything ’ .
8 ‘ Well , we 'd been so public I suppose everyone thought they had a right to make it their business , and what 's more according to us they did . ’
9 ‘ I 'm afraid I know nothing of his sex life . ’
10 I hate pointing out niggles so early in a review , but I 'm afraid I have one here .
11 ‘ I 'm afraid I have none to offer you , Father , ’ Myles said .
12 Honest I mean everybody we talk to who knows him yeah , he really is erm the rep 's a bit of skirt , he 's well in .
13 Last year 's was no la it ca n't be the same one then cos last year 's was absolutely terrible , the one I went to with Right Said Fred was amazing I think someone else did go to that , Sue-Anna or somebody ?
14 We er we got very close to beating Bellevue at Bellevue which was okay I mean everybody 's a bit rusty so and we were experimenting with tyres and everything and er it was only a challenge , but it was nice to get the first meeting on the way and er I was very impressed by some of er the team members of what I saw , I knew er team mate Dean Bargger was doing particularly well scoring 11 points and er he 's really a promising er youngster which I think we can get a lot of use out of , and er in general I mean you know Ellis Stevens was doing particularly well as well , so if those two can keep doing well during the season , then okay mine had a few problems , she only scored 3 points , but that was just a one-off so yeah I thing we look quite strong on paper again now .
15 Well first of all I suppose one should say that we do n't just use one computer , we , like lots of other libraries , have got access to a large number of computers , and indeed you 'll find these computers being used elsewhere for the same sort of way .
16 Well , first of all I suppose one should say that we do n't just use one computer , we , like lots of other libraries , have got access to a large number of computers , and indeed you 'll find these computers being used elsewhere for the same sort of work .
17 I 'm sure I catch something about meeting the Prime Minister.He bounds down to meet me , spruce and sporty in blazer and striped tie .
18 When I get out there , I 'm going to make sure I do something worthwhile — you know , like a robbery or something . ’
19 I am not exactly pushing a supermarket trolley but I make sure I have plenty of apples , bananas and water to keep me going .
21 As far as my own taste in music is concerned I like everything from ragtime to opera , but prefer the classical composers such as Mozart , Beethoven , Strauss and Tchaikovsky .
22 Where that girl is concerned I have nothing on my conscience .
23 As far as the introduction is concerned I have nothing more to say .
24 But then I , I , it 's unfortunate that you had your first I mean someone who had no experience of headmastership , head , head teachers , I mean all the head teachers I should think are in financial problems this year cos it 's really there first full year
25 ‘ My salary is sponsored by British Coal which means when I am fund-raising I know none of that money will be going to pay for my work .
26 Non-existent until about I should n't think there was an a bus did come to the bottom of Road , I ca n't remember what was , it must have been about nineteen twenty I suppose something like that , it used to go to the bottom of Road and turn round there , but I never er my mother always used to say you 'd ruin the trade , the trade down well I do n't believe it did really er now I think the lack of transport now you 've hit something there , lack of transport there encouraged people to shop in Green rather to go down the town cos you could get anything off Green you know , you just think you 'd ju you , you smiled about the er butcher 's shops , the grocer 's shops , the cake shops , you could get the gents , you could get anything on Green the ironmonger shop , you need n't go anywhere else but , when they started transport er yes I think the buses had quite a bit gradually cos things that , you do n't think get things happening in this country overnight I mean , they grow on you do n't they ?
27 I 'm clean I have one every other night I have done this week
28 Yeah what I do is , I have specified so I If I suspe the numbers are quite close I put one in there have that , and I just do reverse around and you
29 king Billy 's the best I think something like that
30 At last I have something of Father 's .
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